Essay on Police Vigilantism
Document Type:Essay
Subject Area:Criminology
The force ranges from giving an order or threatened use of violence. The use of the force is however questionable. The police vigilantism is accused of the diversity of transgressions. Their misconduct can be good or bad. For instance, when the reasons are bad, then it is police brutality. Despite the regularity of anger as the retort to the crime, vengeance against the offenders by the victims seems to be relative (Jauregui, 2015). When such cases occur, the revenge is usually carried by the friends or family member rather than the sufferers themselves. The majority of the vigilante incidents happens unrecorded by the authorities. In India, the police vigilantism has become been routinised in practice and discourse. The vigilantism comes in several ways which are commonly called encounter killings (Cooper & Owen, 2015). The way the vigilant police handles the encounter killings in India is sanctified and vilified to bring the paradox which remains undertheorized.
This condition is shaped by the generalized corruption, insecurity, and lack of accountability by the state to end the crime Haas et al, 2014). The war waged by the police vigilantes is the spiritual and moral rather than just terrorism and criminality (Haas et al, 2014). The war is waged at individual and national levels where it is fought by the specific types of soldiers who are conceived to have polluted souls when fighting for purity. It is widely regarded as the self-sacrifice in the name of the justice and truth. Vigilant police claim they rarely plan because at sometimes the encounters by the criminals are never planned for. It is ironic when somebody speaks of police vigilantism which is known for the action of violation to formal boundaries which are established by the social-political to protect any form of subversion Sundar, 2010).
The police vigilantism violates the generally professed norms for police conduct. There have been critics on the tendency of the unwelcome actions by the law implementation people into overall notion like police brutality Sundar, 2010). The critics implies liability and the liability implies need for cure. The master narrative of the ordinary violence of law in all places and times barks up the wrong tree (Belur, 2010). In line with calls for an empirically based comparative analysis of vigilantism as shifting concept that articulates to ever changing social realities which must focus on particular processes of justification and work to better understand the production legality and legitimacy of state violence as the function of the construction of moral order, duty and justice. The incidents of the killings which occur during the encounters are not adequately investigated by the government's office or independent bodies to ascertain its genuineness (Belur, 2010).
For instance, some governments require thorough investigation by the independent agency and case registration by the police before the encounter is determined (Belur, 2010). This will ensure there exist no police brutality as well as prevent the extrajudicial killings by the police. However, the police need to do thorough investigations before carrying out counter-killing. This should be as well be accompanied by authority from the independent agencies. This will reduce the extrajudicial killings of the innocent people by the police which they end up covering. The police should also follow the laws in the process of arresting the suspects. For instance, police have been staging the encounter killings whereby they shoot unarmed or secretly detain and kill suspects. com/doi/full/10. needAccess=true https://journals. sagepub. com/doi/abs/10. X09360140 References Belur, J.
de Keijser, J. W. Bruinsma, G. J. Public support for vigilantism, confidence in the police and police responsiveness.
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