Essay on Virginia Woolf

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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Besides feminism, her writings were also inspired by the detrimental outcome of submission which was plunging England during that similar period. Virginia Woolf was born in 1882 and led a wonderful childhood. She was the daughter of two flourishing parents who provided her with opportunities which she took (Jingrui 59). First, at age nine, Woolf introduced herself to literature whereby she wrote her newspaper, Hyde Gate News. In the newspaper, she either criticised her siblings or addressed the family’s weekly matters. Virginia did this dramatically in her released novel The Room of One’s Own. Initially, two essays in this novel had been presented to many college women’s groups who had been prohibited from entering universities in England due to their sex (Müller &Timo 195). Woolf made use of the book to question England’s policies that were upheld, denouncing women’s’ rights.

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This is evident where she illustrates that female students were served with dinner that is a plain gravy soup. She later talks of the expensive dinner that was served to the male students. Despite that The Room of One’s Own is Virginia’s main feminism work, this theme is demonstrated in roughly all of her other works, and To the Lighthouse is not an exclusion. The novel’s main characters are females who are the exact opposite. Lily Briscoe is one of the women who dismisses Victorian conventions and resolves to be single to prevent herself from compromising to the “assertive male society. ” The other female character is Mrs. Ramsey who recognizes the society as being severely prejudiced opposing females but is prepared to watch leisurely and do nothing pertaining it (Bowlby & Rachel 24).

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In another scene, when few guests walk outside to observe the waves, she longs to join them but refuses to do it to stay behind and remain her husband’s devoted wife. In these scenes, Virginia expresses how a few females refuse to enjoy the slightest pleasure without having to seek approval from their husbands forcing upon themselves a child-like addiction. In To the Lighthouse, Virginia explains to the world that two extremes such as Mrs. Ramsey cannot operate successfully. Woolf presents Mrs. Woolf argues that lack of funds has limited the number of women who have published prosperous poetry. Woolf explains that writing novels lends itself more freely to constant starts and stops. Thus, females have more potential in novels’ writing than poetry. She says that females should be satisfied with frequent disruptions since they are repeatedly robbed of their room in which they can write.

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Virginia implies that without money the females will remain in a second place to their inventive male counterparts. While Mrs. Ramsey is searching for permanence lies in the emotional realm of experience, Mr. Ramsey, on the other hand, is based entirely on an intellectual sphere. Mr. Ramsey wishes to overstep his lifetime with a crucial philosophical contribution, but he practically feels that his goal is unattainable. Nonetheless, the clock’s use also alarms the reader of the nearing conclusion hinting to the ultimate life’s end and notifies the reader of the day’s progress. Although Woolf uses shared experiences of uniting the primary characters, the shared experience is not a commonly used tool such as the similarity which she creates and portrayed between Clarissa and Septimus. In a situation where she does not elaborate on a particular character, Virginia does so use a distinct character.

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Also, while explaining Mrs. Dalloway unusualness, Clarissa and Septimus are characterized as two halves of a whole. Through these themes, she suggested that England required a change because the restriction was not only destroying women but also the creativity that was locked away in the human mind. In every nature of her words, she wanted freedom hence making it a life’s obligations to attain it as indicated in A Room of One’s Own. Work Cited Bowlby, Rachel, ed.  Virginia Woolf. Routledge, 2016. McIntire, Gabrielle. Feminism and Gender in To the Lighthouse.  The Cambridge Companion to To the Lighthouse(2014): 80-91. Müller, Timo. Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse (1927). H. A. M. M. O.

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