Ethics of technology used in sport

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Physical Education

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In order to develop this report, I will analyse, explain and evaluate how ethics impacts the utilization of technology in a situation of training and competitions. The vast technology advancement seen in the past in the recent past changed the dynamics of the sports industry and in addition, improved the performance of players. In modern society, advanced materials are needed to implement sports technologies. According to Fuss (2008), advancement of technology in the sports sector is expensive to implement. Several ethics align with the accomplishment of technology in the sporting grounds. Ethical issues to technology being used in sports is a branch of ethics that addresses specific issues related to the age of modern skills. Technology is capable of addressing the qualities to ethical morals although some philosophers believe that components of technologies are able to deliver ethical commitments all the time.

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Ethical used to implement technology can either be wrong or right depending on the concept and the objectives for technology implementation. Basic ethical issues of technology are securities, reliability and credibility. This case asks whether the act of technology innovation is ethically right or wrong. According to the case study conducted by a sports union in the United States, technological ethics can be broken into smaller chunks of different human endeavours. Cost of technology On the biggest issue of ethical parameters in technology development is the cost of technology. The question of whether the technology has gone too far to render it an alternative to the traditional sports issues is the evident ethical issue in the game. Audiences’ wants to see improved performance and the competitors want to improve their performance too.

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Competitors need to be assured of credibility and reliability in the pitch. Some equipment for acquiring and accessing technology is very expensive. All competitors cannot have access to technology. It is true to conclude that access to technology in sport establishes unfair grounds for competitions due to inequity in the access to technology. Some athletes are usually trained and exposed to the technology while some are not. It is obvious that those athletes who get trainees and exposure to the underlying technology will have a better performance in a competition. For example, the world cup was sponsored by so many companies who agreed to join hand to provide technology capabilities in different stadiums. Come of the companies included Huawei, Coca-Cola Company, Visa, etc. Facilities geographical difference Technology should be able to show similar results and performance in different geographical locations.

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For example, technology is used in clothes must not change their performances regardless of climatic conditions and weather fluctuations. The similarity in results is an ethical factor to be considered before and after implementing a technology. Reliability Credibility and reliability are terms used in technology to define the degree of quality assurance in technology. Reliability refers to the manner in which technology and technology equipment can be trusted based on the provision of their consistency of service delivery. Credibility refers to the capability that a technology has towards providing genuine copyright to its consumers. If a technology produces a truthful and unique output, then it can be trusted. Ethical issues resulting in credibility and reliability of technology is a fundamental question in the development of sports technology. Works Cited "Athletes Genotyping: Ethical and Legal Issues.

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 International Journal of Sports Medicine, vol.  25, no.  2, 2004, pp. Gauthier, Janel.  Handbook of Research on Digital Information Technologies, pp. Schultz, Robert A. Ethical Issues in Information Technology.  Contemporary Issues in Ethics and Information Technology, pp. Ethical Issues in Information Technology.

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