Regulatory Environment Executive Summary
Document Type:Coursework
Subject Area:Management
VAEs are a cause of alarm in the health facility. There are increasing concerns on international levels about this risk. The CDC (2017) noted that governments spend over $9. billion to address healthcare-acquired infections. Therefore, it would be honorable to come up with strategies to mitigate healthcare-acquired infections. This risk implies that the healthcare facilities and the providers would lose ratings, lose customers, attract legal problems, and even lose licensing (PulmCCM, 2017). It is so obvious when a patient experiences poor services they would not be willing to engage the service providers any further. Therefore, the healthcare providers increase the rate of customer attrition. On the other hand, any healthcare institution deemed to be risky for patients would be closed down (PulmCCM, 2017). This leads to poor ratings by the clients and the accreditation bodies and the regulatory ones.
Opportunities The facilities and healthcare providers have an opportunity to incorporate technology to monitor, evaluate and assess the eminent threats. The technology would increase the efficiency and effectiveness of risk management. Technologies such as germ zapping robots help in monitoring and reporting incidences within the healthcare facilities which could cause healthcare-acquired infections. Threats The healthcare-acquired infections may jeopardize the credit of the facility and healthcare providers the incidences escalate. The healthcare-acquired infections put the business at the verge of losing important ratings, customers and eventually profits. Measuring and Monitoring The institution encourages individual personnel to record and report incidences that may cause healthcare-associated infections immediately. On the other hand, the organization is adopting new technologies to help in monitoring any issues that may cause healthcare-associated infections such as the germ-zapping robots.
The data collected would be useful in decision-making processes concerning risk management especially during planning processes. The data would be useful in looking for measures to address any issues that may culminate into healthcare-acquired infections. Organizational Improvement There are several methods that can be used to improve the organization. Measures adopted to control HAIs in the healthcare facilities should be effective in order to ensure that they achieve their goals. References CDC. August 19). Healthcare-associated infections. Retrieved from https://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/books/NBK2683/ Mehta, Y. Gupta, A. doi:10. ACHE. ACHE Code of Ethics. Retrieved from https://www. ache. January 20). What are Ventilator-Associated Events (and why should you care)? Retrieved from https://pulmccm. org/review-articles/ventilator-associated-events-care/ Appendix Action Step Relevant Data Sources Issue Healthcare-associated infections Regulatory Requirements Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a national public health institute, is majorly concerned with regulating Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) through monitoring and initiating actions to eliminate these infections.
The general regulatory requirements include isolation, hygiene maintenance, and adhering to standard precautions such wearing the necessary gear. Another body concerned with the performance of the healthcare facilities and providers include the Joint Commission. Guidelines for prevention of hospital acquired infections. Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine, 18(3), 149–163. doi:10. CDC. August 19). Philosophy or Culture Statement The organization is committed to ensure the safety of patients during and after the services. Moreover, the organization has set mechanisms of monitoring, measuring, recording and reporting errors in the service provision processes. Measuring and Monitoring The organization is adopting new technologies to help in monitoring any issues that may cause healthcare-associated infections. Moreover, individual practitioners are required to report incidences that may cause healthcare-associated infections immediately Collins, A. S. A reward would be necessary to acknowledge the voluntary reporters.
It is important to incorporate the latest technology in order to aid in monitoring and improving the quality of information for better decision-making processes. Greiner, A. C. Knebel, E. N. Samaddar, D. P. Patil, V. Bhattacharya, P. org/abt_ache/code. cfm#organization.
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