Ethnicity and Racism in Canada

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Sociology

Document 1

Historically, Canada was the pioneer of multiculturalism policy implementation. However, this policy got into its knees in a majority of countries in the early 1990s (Healey et al. The multicultural system enacted in Canada was designed to address discriminatory practice along different culture and encourage intermingling of people from different cultures. Healey, a Canadian nationalist, argued that the policy has achieved the required level of diversity in Canada up to date and that the immigrants have managed to secure equal opportunities in the Canadian society (Healey 12). However, the policy became ineffective as from the early 1990s and that it failed terribly to prevent the racial and ethnic inequality that took root immediately European started to reside in Canada. In the line of occupation, Husbands et al. discovered two ideal ways of establishing the relationships between trade and the ethnicity in Canada (p.

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First, defining the relationship between the ethnic groups and a particular career line and the second, identify the hierarchical positions occupied with a specific group in getting good paying jobs. For example, the Aboriginals taken as the selected ethnic group in the study in the first case. The study reveals that the Aboriginals were so many in the unskilled work, doing low paid manual work and none of them found in skilled blue-collar well-paid jobs in Canada. The inequality in the health sector in Canada has rendered the minority unable to get the required health care services since the European in Canada dominates them. According to Husbands et al. the immigrants’ health in Canada get deteriorated as they continue to stay longer in the country due to the menace of discrimination, the state of poverty, and prejudice they face in the presence of British Origin Canadians (p.

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The health conditions demand that human being ought to go for medical check-ups for easier diagnosis of the probable pandemic at the early stages for easier management and monitoring before the effects reach chronic stages. However, the visible minority always stay minus attending the medical facilities for check-ups, because they fear to be in contact with other superior groups in the healthcare centres (Husbands et al. The myth spread across Canada that intermarriages cases have increased does not hold any waters since the fear of discrimination have dominated both cultures end. According to Wong, a community which lives in fear of embracing the social integration through intermarriages is the same as the total ignorance about the particular social inclusion as it is the surest way of planting cohesion in any society (p.

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Furthermore, discrimination under the grounds of colour and the originality has found its deep roots in Canadian entire society, and it has dramatically resulted in the lack of social integration and cohesion. The community has come to remain immune and ignorant of the very regulations that offer direction to their daily lives. Consequently, this state of disorderly and confusion in the society might push Canada in a comparable level with other countries likes the United Kingdom. The fact is the majority of the authorities concentrate in integrating the European immigrants in the same country. However, they forget the fact that both social and economic cohesion must be on the same level and none should come after the other for a society to achieve full equality. Sincerely, the stipulated policies and frameworks put in place in Canada are useful in writing form but less effective when it comes to matters of addressing the minority wellbeing in the country.

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They exist well written in paperwork to please the international community’s quest to end the menace of racial discrimination and ethnicity for a better sense of globalization. Ideally, this in so far affirm the social truth that for a society to embrace multiculturalism, it is not the well-framed policies or legal provisions, but it entirely rests upon the mind transformation through changing the mind-set about their fellow human beings.  Ethnic and Racial Studies 41. Wong, Loyd, and Shibao Guo. Canadian Ethnic Studies in the Changing Context of Immigration: Looking Back, Looking Forward.  Canadian Ethnic Studies 50.

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