Gender Bias

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Sociology

Document 1

It is in this sense that there are some tasks that are set aside for men and thus limiting women from perfuming them and also, there are some tasks that are set for women and men are not expected to perform them. When a ruling is made based on this, this could be considered to be a gender bias. Also, if social interactions are also based on this, this could also be gender bias and lastly if the media does its job based on this, this could also be gender bias. Alternate points of view of men and ladies might be because of the three primary sociological viewpoints which incorporate the functionalist point of view, strife point of view, and ultimately emblematic interactionist viewpoint. Law There was a case in the Supreme Court in 1976, Craig v.

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For instance, children of nine years may be denied driver’s license, street vendors and doctors do not have the same requirements for being licensed as doctor’s requirements are very rigorous. There are several state laws that the courts have ruled and that drew string distinctions between women and men, an example is the drinking age. However, most of these cases have dealt with very substantive matters that draw a line between men and women. The courts have been able to identify some types of legal differentiations as inherently suspicious as compared to others. In this sense laws that employ classifications based on the citizenship and the race of a person are difficult to defend in a legal manner and thus they are less likely to survive a court scrutiny.

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Lastly, the depictions of the relationship between a man and a woman do emphasize on the traditional roles and also make violence against women normal. Symbolic interactionist perspective is the theory that plays a huge role in the presentation of gender by the media. This theory does reflect on the micro-sociological perspective. It was highly influences by the work of sociologists and philosophers as well. Symbolic interactionist viewpoint accentuates that the human conduct is exceedingly affected by the implications and the definitions made and kept up through the emblematic associations finished with others. Therefore, gender bias in social interactions is represented differently in different communities. In some communities like India, women are known to be weaker vessels who are only supposed to be in the kitchen and taking care of their children and the family at large (Jennifer and Cooper, 134).

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As a result few women have a chance to explore their professions and it takes a lot of courage to overcome the challenges that come along with the decision. It would also look weird for an Indian man to be in the kitchen cooking for their wives. This therefore creates gender bias as there are sectors that women may not represent such as leadership. In media, the themes that show how gender issues are represented include the fact that women are not fully represented, the portrayal of both men and women is done in a stereotypical manner and lastly, the depictions of the relationship between a man and a woman that do emphasize on the traditional roles. Lastly in social interactions, the issue of gender is handled different by different communities.

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Gender bias may not exist in some communities, but it should be handled appropriately to the communities that still judge a person based in their gender. Work Cited Bohnet, Iris, Alexandra Van Geen, and Max Bazerman. When performance trumps gender bias: Joint vs.

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