Factors affecting the parameters of the construction industry

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

Document 1

Most of these buildings are built by different construction companies. The companies are hired by various organizations and even the state. Due to competition, companies that have maintained a good record are always given tenders. The purpose of this research is to identify the various factors that affect the growth of Building and Construction companies in the United States of America. A case study of Turner Construction in New York, United States of America. The research has looked at how many individuals and organizations in the United States of America require new buildings for either personal or business use. If the demand is high, it means that the BCI in the United States of America will be affected positively. The Industry will be in a position to recruit more employees to assist in putting up more building structures across the United States.

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Equally, if the demand will be low, then it implies that the BCI will be affected negatively. More individuals working in the building industry will lose their jobs. One of the possible effects is that some companies can decide to cut corners in an attempt to deliver cheap services. Due to the nature of the construction industry, shortcuts can lead to substandard buildings which will cause danger to human beings and massive losses of capital at the end The table below shows clearly stagnation of America construction sector as a financial factor. The graph is constructed to show technology issues taken over a long duration and that produced the best concise analysis of productivity. The upward- sloping line was taken to represent the non- farm sector since the year 1964, the sloping downwards lines were used to represent labor productivity, each line is attached a different amount of price deflector, its noted that despite different variation rate of decline tend to be the same a deviation of 0.

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per year no farm factors had an improvement of 3. The auditors keep the finance managers on the toe by making sure that they release funds to be used only on issues that improve the development of the company. Looking at this topic clearly, it is evident that the research wants to focus on the importance of construction companies to have better strategies which can help them maneuver the challenges that arise in the market. The managers of these companies need to understand that there is a stiff competition in the market. Providers who will promise and deliver quality services will have to incur massive profits. Likewise, companies that fail to plan well for the future can incur massive losses and the loss of their clients. This research has also discovered some unique messages regarding the study.

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The study aims to reveal some crucial aspects in the building industry. Some of these aspects can be crucial to investors and other people or companies that want to venture into the building and construction business. The research findings present the benefits and disadvantages of venturing into the building industry. For instance, the author has discovered that the building industry at the moment has to embrace technology. Competition is the main reason why companies come up with innovations and understand how to relate well to their clients. The research indicates that companies need to employ experts who study about the future of construction as a way of curbing competition. These experts need to make discoveries and other issues that can be of importance in the future buildings. It has shown that companies should set up proper internal management policies to avoid embezzlement of funds.

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Work Cited Ayyagari, Meghana, Asli Demirgüç-Kunt, and Vojislav Maksimovic. Jeanne M. Gilbert, and Joel T. Hernandez. Benefit management system and method. U.

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