Fire and Ice Robert Frost Analysis

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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These are two themes that the poem talks more about. According to the view of the poem, the world will come to an end through fire and through ice simultaneously (Robert 34). According to the author, he has tasted desire equates to being like fire in which it can be overwhelming and take control over the individual that possesses it; (explain how hatred is like ice; it makes people stuck etc. despite this, when it comes to perishing, he thinks of two things, hates and desire (Robert 34). The author perceives ice as great destruction, the same way that fire does. People kill one another just because of jealousy of their success. It is these two behaviors that break up the relationship between many people in society. Robert Frost was born on 26th March 1874.

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He spend his first 40 years an unknown personal. He became famous after returning to England after the First World War (Robert Frost). The hard life that he passed through was a life teaching that forced him to write about poems that reflects the society. Frost started writing poems back in 1894. Thereafter, he never found anyone who was willing to publish his work. This forced him to return to England where he published his first book of poems. He published “A Boy’s Will” and the following year he published “North of Boston”. This could be due to his personal experience of tasting the fire that the speaker reaches to the point of agreeing with those who favor fire. Desire is a probable cause of the end of the world as many destructive acts arise when such people are in search of something that they may not have (Baym and Levine 78).

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Some of the desires that have been major causes of such destruction include a desire for land, wealth and also desire for other people (Baym and Levine 78). In addition to this, the speaker seems to have tasted desire at one point in his life as he appears to be aware of the seductive nature that may arise out of this emotion. It is true that desire, just like gas, steams, and covers the best of anybody until that person gets what he or she is looking for. The poet claims that “I think I know enough of hate to say that for destruction ice is also great and would suffice” (Frost 97). This provides the reader with a clear connection between hatred and ice as he claims that he is familiar with hatred, which in this case is represented by ice, and he knows that hatred can bring the world to an end.

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Both hatred and desire are terror emotions, and on their rights, they are deadly. The author reflects what has been happening in many societies. Countries have been raiding resources of other countries. Therefore it is worth noting that desire is enemy to the wellbeing of human beings on earth. From this analysis, it is clear that one of the tools that the author uses in passing out his message to the readers is symbolism (Fernandi). It is through the use of metaphor that the author can describe how desire and hatred can affect our lives as well as our peace. The author tried to bring out what many people do and the way that they also think. The poem is urging us, human beings, to think more about ourselves and our negativity (Fernandi).

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The poem is more about destruction. The poet talks about how human beings destroy the universe. It also talks about how desire has led to the destruction of human life. Hatred also has a great influence as it breaks down relationships. It is because of hatred that some countries have decided to attack others. This has also helped in the development of his main themes which include communication, community isolation and even the theme of nature. All these themes are more about the interaction between people and the environment. The main message from the poem is that people should change their behaviors, with desire and hatred some of the common behaviors that break down the excellent relationship that may exist among members of society. The poem urges people also to consider others as they struggle to fulfil their desires.

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By doing so, then they will be able to develop a peaceful society. The poem also proposes some of the measures that can be taken in controlling evils in the society. I choose to work on this poem because he was able to connect with me as a reader by helping me understand his poetry. Work cited “Robert Frost".  Biography, 2018, https://www. biography. com/2017/12/27/analysis-of-poem-fire-and-ice-by-robert-frost/. Accessed 27 Nov 2018. Frost, Robert, June August, and Arthur Peterson.  Fire and ice. F. Thompson, Lawrence. Fire and Ice, the Art and Thought of Robert Frost.

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