Food policies and goverment

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:English

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The food production and consumption sector also contribute significantly to economic inequality as laborers are compensated poorly for their services. There are many deaths caused by diseases related to diet. The high energy and large amounts of fuels consumed by machines working in food production have contributed to climate change. The government should, therefore, prioritize setting policies to regulate the field. The US government should play a role in the production and consumption of food for the betterment of the economy, curbing climate change, and improving the health of its citizens. The only problem concerning food at the time was lack of it. These policies are no longer relevant. The food produced is excess and contains a lot of unhealthy calories.

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The production also offers unhealthy competition to other farmers in the world. The government should revise these policies to suit the current needs such as health concerns, transparency in production, reduction in toxic bacteria and chemicals present in food, and issues on climate change. ’ For example, the use of antibiotics in animal production was seen as a threat to public health. However, the Food and Drug Administration’s quest to regulate the used achieved nothing but useless voluntary guidelines. The government should create policies to address such inequities and ensure that policies do not only address the needs of the elite few who are influential but also addresses the needs of the rest of the citizens who form the majority. The government should ensure that its policies and acts on food and health are all in one line in terms of their goals.

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This will help cater for the needs of the citizens in an efficient manner that saves resources. The president, being part of the government can use executive orders to establish policies on food and health. These policies will encourage reforms in the sectors. By making food and farming a public concern matter, the president will make it difficult for agribusinesses and other lobby groups to pursue their self-interests. The public and environmental concerns can then prevail. The national food policy can formulate a new White House counsel to coordinate different departments such as the agricultural, environmental, and health department. For example, Vegan Cheesy Salad Booster sold at the Living Intentions has a label that emphasizes on how it is enhanced with healthy nutrients such as sea vegetables.

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The label also tells of how the food is raw and is not genetically modified to take advantage of the notion created by the media on processed food. However, the label does not contain all the information about the content of the food. Actually, it contains thrice as much amount of fat and four times amount of sodium as normal beef sold at fast-food stores. The product is also stationed at impulse buying areas near where customers pay for their purchase so as to increase its probability of selling out fast. The processed end product also often stays on store shelves for quite a long time before being consumed. This further necessitates the need for the use of preservatives. Wholesome food, on the other hand, is not necessarily on a better option.

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The effects on the environment caused by wholesome food, which is grown on small organic farms, are lesser compared to processed food. However, their nutritious value may not be as different from that of processed food. This is bound to contribute to global warming in the long run. Government policies on food should address this concern In conclusion, the government has a role to play in ensuring food security and at the same consider the health of its citizens and the environmental implications in production. This can be done through policies and reform, and the best results can only be achieved by considering the well-being of the public which forms the majority and avoiding exploitation of people and nature. Key areas such as industries that produce food, the welfare of workers involved in food production and environmental concerns should be keenly looked at.

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