Gap year essay

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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They look forward to the exciting moments and experiences that come with taking the gap year. This period is important for social, economic and academic growth. Instead of joining college or university after high school, students should take a gap year to capitalize on the advantages and opportunities it comes with it. They will improve their skills, have some entertaining moments in their life, explore different cultures and gain experience in a range of fields. However, it is also vital to keep the focus on educational matters to avoid veering off your ambitions. The work experience gained while working can be a great opportunity and is an added advantage ahead of those students who do not take a gap year and go straight to college. With job opportunities becoming scarce by the day, an added qualification in work experience can be a great boost to landing a job easily as employers often prefer to recruit people with prior work experience.

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The skills of teamwork, service, and exposure to a working environment enables one to become a hot prospect in employment recruitments. Whether it is through volunteering or a paid job, it is always a good decision to take a gap year after high school to increase your work experience. After finishing high school, most students do not have a clear vision of their career ambitions or the best fitting careers for them. One problem with a majority of university and college students is financial management. Getting involved in money-making activities early enough enables one to be not only financially independent but also develop the skill of financial management that could come in hand once one joins university or college. It is also public knowledge how funding university education is costly. Earning income before joining can enable you to save enough money to cater for the required needs while pursuing studies in the university.

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Taking a gap year also provides one with a chance to develop maturity before joining the university ("10 Benefits Of A Gap Year"). This can be attributed to the fact they approach the learning process with more energy and vigor thus leading to success in their endeavors ("The Pros And Cons Of Taking A Gap Year | Tinggly"). The re-energizing process can also enable someone to approach university life with greater intent and contentment that most of the time enables the student to get the best out of it. These kind of students are more involved in co-curricular activities that advance their talents and enables full exploitation of their potential abilities. Despite the myriad benefits of taking a gap year, it can also be an expensive affair ("The Pros And Cons Of Taking A Gap Year | Tinggly").

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For the travel enthusiasts who would like to tour the world, the period of taking a gap year can be too costly for them. The educational process can also be a long one. Taking one year off it can delay the learning process and end up making it longer than expected. Losing momentum can be derailing in any course or activity. Taking a gap year can sometimes make someone end up losing the momentum for learning ("The Pros And Cons Of Taking A Gap Year | Tinggly"). While traveling the world or working, it is easy for someone to forget about university education. A gap year enables one to get a chance to explore the world, gain working experience, discover suitable career to pursue, get involved in the generation of money, have a chance to develop maturity before joining university, and it is a great time to revitalize and get an energy boost to continue with further studies.

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The numerous advantages of taking a gap year cannot be understated. It is always a resounding opportunity to take a gap year. Works Cited 10 Benefits of a Gap Year.  Globalcitizenyear. ed. gov/fuilltext/ED533076. pdf Camosun College.  Libsecure. camosun. Retrieved 6 April 2018, from http://eds. a. ebscohost. com/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=2&sid=24be81e2-457f-47bb-b42f-729c9669aff8%40sessionmgr4007 "The Pros And Cons Of Taking A Gap Year". Go Overseas, 2018. Retrieved 6 April 2018, from https://www. tinggly. com/journal/the-pros-and-cons-of-taking-a-gap-year/ Why take a gap year?.  YouTube. Retrieved 6 April 2018, from https://www.

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