Gender equality at work

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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The impact of the movement has been significant not only in improving the status of the woman in the community but also in eradicating harmful practices like female genital mutilation. Discrimination has spread from homes and communities to workplaces. Are women fully liberated from inferiority to the male gender? Is gender bias entirely under control in workplaces? Because many employers look for people with experience, most women fail to fall under this category. They are either starting school too late into their lifetimes that by the time they are done, the jobs they seek are out of proportion with their respective ages (Hinsliff, p45) For example, a man who finishes his studies at a young age of twenty-five will have worked for ten years and therefore quickly get the desired position at thirty-five.

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For a woman who due to societal requirements and views started schooling much later, at thirty-five, she may just be having just two years of experience. Some men may prohibit their wives from seeking specific jobs citing unfulfilled family responsibilities and general insecurities (Phimister et al 156). The society looks down on women. Upon securing jobs of their choice, women find it hard to cope with the conditions therein. The prejudice in the work environments makes it hard to offer their best services. In team building activities, negative attitude may be shown by the male colleagues. In countries strict on the mode of dressing for women, tasks that require wearing of trousers and apron may not be favored by women who fear stigmatization. Some people also fear to employ women because they are afraid the women may outgrow and overpower them.

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For a long time, women have been withholding all the potential and the zeal they have to make the impact in the society. It is therefore likely that when given a chance, they will provide their best input, rising in rank. Most people don't want competition, especially from women. The goal is to make sure that the current society is not restricted to the old ways which do not ensure the development of economic and social welfare (Hinsliff, p430). Violence against girls reveals the acts that are committed to women or girls. Freedom of movement becomes an issue when Nenmji interacts with boys through plays such as football. They believe that girls should be settled at home without having hangouts with other people (Hinsliff, p123). The level at which women participate in public life varies by culture and socio-economic characteristics.

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In the homes, women are seen as mother figures. The same way people from Yemen have a norm that girls should not move around or have hangouts and again they must have a veil on their parts (Hinsliff. P63) Yemen people interpret it as lack of respect after being questioned about Nenmji's lifestyle which is entirely from the girls who stay at Yemen. Traditionally, women are seen to perform strictly on the house chores without interfering with men's or boy's freedom. Women are expected to want to take on the role of a mother and the responsibilities in a house (Hinsliff, p420). Torture has been witnessed from different families and mostly on women or girls in the society. Women need to be given freedom to comprehend their rights. Some countries experience a problem of adequate legalization, or lack of framework was hence leaving most women doomed and unaware of their rights in the society.

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Lack of knowledge about their makes the abusers convince the women that the abuse is within the rights (Hinsliff, 438). This spread more violence from the domestic ways of living up to the employment areas. The ignorance or inadequate knowledge on the human rights inhibits the respect and honour of the human rights. The forms of education should be gender sensitive. No matter the quantity of training provided to people, the practical way of initiating gender equality is by the provision of quality education sensitive on human rights. The education system should bridge the gap of gender differences. The training should expound on the diversity of responsibilities at the workplaces. Besides, the job requirements for their employment opportunities will be unbiased but fair across the gender differences. Allocating women with power and leadership responsibilities help to regulate cases of gender inequality.

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In most societies, the female gender is viewed as inferior to the male gender. The lowering of women's value reduces the responsibilities and powers awarded to females. Gender discrimination restricts the women from taking high duties and authorities in the society. Besides, the women should be exposed to different non-traditional aptitudes to help in supporting the females in working in diversified environments. Some institutions and organizations are working hand in hand to curb the challenges arising from gender inequalities. The organizations like the United Nations fight for the rights of human beings across their social, health and economic sectors (Benschop, 409). To enhance cases of gender inequality in work, some responsible workers should play the roles of activists by informing to the activism committees about the unfavourable conditions in the job place.

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Besides, the organizational management should form a group of professionals to work in the inspection of human rights. Besides, it is fundamentally agreed that human initiative is the best mechanism of maintaining gender equality in the work. It is a significant measure of enhancing gender equality in employment by viewing workers as individuals and not members of a specific gender. Works Cited Arscott,Jane. “Time’s up for gender injustice. ” The conversation. “Gender Differences in Low Pay Labour Mobility and the National Minimum Wage. ” Oxford Economic Papers, vol. pp. i122–i146. JSTOR, JSTOR, www. jstor. org/stable/24637815. BOBBITT-ZEHER, DONNA. “GENDER DISCRIMINATION AT WORK: Connecting Gender Stereotypes, Institutional Policies, and Gender Composition of Workplace. ” Gender and Society, vol.

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