Gender Inequality Adverse Issue Within the Society

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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There being two genders, the male and the female genders has been considered as one of the main reasons for the existence of gender inequality. Another aspect is the competition between these two genders in that there has to be one gender that seeks to prove itself as being superior as compared to the other gender and as such, bringing forth the concept of gender inequality within the society. In addition, the opportunities that exist within the society have also been a contributive aspect to gender inequality. Finally, the gender stereotyping that exists within the society is also a major contributor to gender inequality. The problem is impacting the society negatively, and as such, this paper will look at the problem from a deeper perspective. The aspect goes both ways whereby it can impact both the female and the male gender and not as people believe that it only impacts one gender.

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The Literature Review When it comes to gender inequality, much has been said and also researched on in relation to the field with the most looked at or focused on the point is the way in which gender inequality impacts the society at large. In most of the cases, gender inequality has been focused on the gender stereotyping within the society. Looking further into the aspects, it can be seen that the main focal point as well as how this gender inequality impacts the general population at large and more so, the social perspective of the society as far as activities that are performed within the community are concerned. To begin with, gender inequality has seen to it that there are roles that are meant for men alone, while some are left for women alone to handle.

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In most of these situations, the fight was for equal employment rights, reproductive right, feminist literature and even the inclusion of women within the Civil Rights Movements (Giddens, Dunier, Appelbaum, and Carr, 2016). Perceptions of Gender inequality In order to come up with an effective understanding as to what gender inequality is, we will have an overview of what a number of scholars have discussed and looked t over the years. To begin with, Blau (2016), describes gender inequality as the act whereby one gender is given limited chances, opportunities or even goods with regards to a certain situation with the aim of making another gender feel superior. This will mean that one gender, be it male or female is provided with more opportunity and privilege as compared to the other gender. In addition, Jaychandran (2015), claims that the most aspect of gender inequality is mostly observed when it comes to the social perspective of the society, which is then followed within employment areas and other political and economic situations.

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In the text, Cornwall and Lindisfarne argue that the society is divided in terms of roles where women are more focused on aligned to work that is placed within homes while men are more accustomed to higher paying jobs and manual work as well. In another research, where the category of work within the community was evaluated based on genders, it was found that more women were forced to stay at home and be stay-at-home moms while the men were forced to act as the breadwinners of the family (Jayachandran, 2015). Therefore, the perception of the roles that women and men have different roles can be viewed as the first aspects of gender inequality which is also portrayed in the aspects of gender stereotyping within the societies. The other aspect of gender inequality is gender stereotyping that has been practiced in a number of cultures and societies within the modern day world.

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Children and even adults are associated with certain colors with respect to their gender. It has affected the social paradigms within the society to the point that the societies are divided mostly based on the genders within the society. Before children are born, there are aspects of gender stereotyping such as the fact there are colors that represent each gender; blue for boys and pink for girls where they are used in a gender reveal parties. The problem has been seen to impact the social, economic and also the political factions of the society and with the current rates, where people perceive certain roles are mainly of a particular gender. As such, with such notions or perceptions, the problem of gender inequality may be seen to impact the people within the society and also create a divide between both genders.

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A solution needs to be taken, and this entails the creation of a unifying factor that eliminates gender inequality within the society.  Dislocating Masculinity: Comparative Ethnographies. Taylor & Francis. Giddens, A. Duneier, M. Appelbaum, R. Søgaard, J. E.  Children and gender inequality: Evidence from Denmark (No. w24219). National Bureau of Economic Research. Lutter, M. Do women suffer from network closure? The moderating effect of social capital on gender inequality in a project-based labor market, 1929 to 2010.  American Sociological Review, 80(2), 329-358.

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