Geography and Resource Distribution

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Religion

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Cuba is inhabited by a total population of about 11. million people. The main mode of governance in the country is socialism. The main domestic problem that Cuba faces is extreme poverty levels which is caused by lack of resources. Ireland is the country that borders Northern Ireland. The country practices the presidential system form of governance which began after the 2018 referendum. A major challenge that Turkey faces is the rebel Kurdish fighters who have led to insecurity along the county’s border with Iraq and Syria. Afghanistan is the country that borders Iran and Pakistan. Its capital city is Kabul. The country occupies a total of 652,8634 km2 land surface. Nigeria is the country that borders the Gulf of Guinea, Niger and Cameroon. Its capital city is Abuja. The country covers a population of about 923,768 km2 surface of land.

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Likewise, it has a population of about 186 million people. The country practices a form of governance where the president is the head of state as well as the head of government. Its ability to conduct heat allows it to be used in heat exchangers in cooling machines. Fehling’s solution, which is a component of copper is used to detect sugars. Nickel Nickel is a silvery metal that is known to resist corrosion even when exposed to higher temperatures. This ability has seen it used in plating other metals to avoid corrosion. Nickel is also used in the making of alloys such as stainless steel. Synthetic trans uranium products are also made from this metal. Uranium is also used in the military to drive submarines. Uranium that is not much radioactive is used in the manufacture of amour and ammunition.

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Countries with largest reserves of; Aluminum- China Copper- Chile Nickel- Australia Phosphorous- Morocco Uranium- Russia Countries with the largest oil reserves 1. Venezuela 300 billion barrels 2. China The country that grows the most corn is the United States of America The country that grows the most wheat is China The country that grows the most rice is China The continent with low to medium water supply is Asia The continent with medium to high water scarcity is Africa 6. countries with highest population on earth 1. China 2. India 3. United States 4. Egypt 15. Vietnam How resources determine international relationships Distribution of the world economic resources determines the kind of diplomatic relationship that a country will establish with its neighbors. One of the key characteristic of natural resources is that they are scarce in nature. This therefore means that people ought to struggle to get these resources which are limited in quantity.

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By looking at the global perspective in terms of comparing availability of resources in various nations, it is evident that some countries tend to control more of a particular natural resource while others may have scarcity or even lack such a commodity. For, instance, South Sudan and Sudan are constantly engaged in diplomacy battles with each country owning claim to Heglig region, a town that is said to contain oil. A similar scenario over the fight for oil territories is seen in South China Sea where China and the Philippines are fighting for control over an area speculated to be containing oil fields. Section2 How Natural Resources determines international relationships Huge population in countries such as China has driven their various governments to find alternative means to increase food production. The rise in the demand for food is meant to address the growing population which requires food as one of the resources required for human survival.

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Such countries have therefore developed various projects with the aim of engaging in agricultural practices that will avail food to its demanding population. It thus can be concluded that these countries used different methods to ensure that their citizens are availed with adequate resources with the aim of improving their lives. Likewise, it has been noted that these countries will go at extra lengths to ensure that they have control over certain natural resources required by their citizens. For instance, they undertake numerous agricultural practices to ensure that their countries have enough food for all people. As for the resources which they not control, such countries use manipulative tactics to ensure that they have access to the resources they require and hence sustaining their increasing population. Works Cited Bilgin, Mert. Comparative Economic Studies 57.

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