Rising Sea Levels in New York
Document Type:Coursework
Subject Area:Religion
The rise in sea levels being witnessed across the coastal regions in the world is as a result of the melting of glaciers. Cities such as New York, Venice, Tokyo, and Shanghai are facing the threat of being submerged in the rising waters in the coming years. Researchers predict that if climate change continues, the earth's temperature shall also continue to increase thereby leading to a significant rise in sea level by approximately five to nine meters. Such an increase is predicted to be catastrophic and capable of restructuring and reshaping the world. As such, many cities, including New York are working frantically to devise infrastructure that Is adaptable and resilient to the effects of climate change while at the same time stop climate change from going on. The challenge with rebuilding subway infrastructure to better cope with storms is that each subway presents a unique challenge hence each shall require its own set of resilient measures.
On the prevention side, the city has increased its efforts towards converting to renewable energy to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. Efforts are being made to expand renewable energy generation inexorably, improve waste management, improve the efficiency of buildings and also the transition to electric vehicles. The measures that have been mentioned above are predicted to reduce greenhouse emissions by 80% before the year 2050. In 2016, the city had lowered emissions by 14% and has then intensified efforts towards decarbonization. co. ke/bi/tech/manhattan-plans-to-build-a-massive-1-billion-wall-and-park-to-guard-against-the-next-inevitable-superstorm-id8303724. html Milman, O. New York City accelerates emissions efforts in face of daunting sea level rise. The Guardian. Concerning migration, the number of people coming into European countries continues to increase significantly as people flee their politically unstable homelands in search for better habitation in Europe. As many states struggle to bolster their security systems and sustain their populations, the challenge brought by immigration has proven to be more difficult to handle.
It is predicted that these problems shall get worse particularly because they are intertwined. As immigration continues to pose a threat to the security systems of countries, terrorist are using this gap to move freely across states and conduct terror operations that further weaken stability and security in countries. The problems of immigration and terrorism do not affect Europe alone, but rather many regions across the globe are affected. The problem of immigration becomes difficult to solve when globalization allows for awareness of the enormous income gaps between Europe and Africa. When people are aware of the availability of opportunity in other countries which have been categorized as rich, and there is little incentive to keep them in their countries of origin, they migrate. Moreover, there is no way to predict the end of political chaos in the Middle East hence it is anticipated that many people shall continue fleeing from these unstable areas in search for better living conditions.
Conclusively, whilst political and economic problems continue to exist in Africa and the Middle East, Europe should expect more refugees and immigrants to seek habitation in their soil. Equally important is the issue of population whereby the population of Africa which is significantly high at the moment is predicted to increase by six times by 2100 (Milanovic, 2015). usatoday. com/story/news/world/2017/07/10/europe-terror-problem-united-states-isis/463554001/ Milanovic, B. Five Reasons Why Migration Into Europe Is A Problem With No Solution. Social Europe. Retrieved from: https://www.
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