GRE and GPA Scores

Document Type:Lab Report

Subject Area:Statistics

Document 1

There are different measures of the student performance. Traditionally, student performance is measured with their scores like GPA, GRE, etc. The study of the different factors responsible for the student performance is very important. For this research study, we want to check whether the GRE or graduate record exam is the significant predictor for the evaluation of the student performance or not. We have to compare and find extent of relationships between the GRE, GPA, gender, performance etc. There is no any statistically significant relationship exists between the response variable as frequency of degree completion and predictors gender, GPA and GRE. Alternative hypothesis: Ha: The gender of the student, GPA and GRE scores are the statistically significant predictors of the graduate degree completion frequency. There is a statistically significant relationship exists between the response variable as frequency of degree completion and predictors gender, GPA and GRE.

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Null hypothesis: H0: There is no any statistically significant relationship exists between the dependent variable frequency of the degree completion and independent variables gender and GRE scores. Alternative hypothesis: Ha­: There is a statistically significant relationship exists between the dependent variable frequency of the degree completion and independent variables gender and GRE scores. We would use descriptive statistics, graphical analysis and inferential statistics for collected data. By using descriptive statistics, we would get general idea about nature of data and spread of data. We would use the graphical analysis for simply interpretation of the facts. There is a specific role of the inferential statistics or testing of hypothesis for this research study. We have to check research questions by using the inferential statistics or testing of hypothesis. Expected Outcome We would expect GRE is not a statistically significant and sufficient predictor of the undergraduate performance and graduate school performance.

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We would not expect the good relationship among the GRE and other variables included in the research study. We would not expect any strong linear or non-linear relationship between the GRE and other variables. So, it would be recommended eliminating the GRE for the predictor of the undergraduate performance and graduate school performance. Is there any Relationship between GPA and GRE scores? The research questions in this study are; is there any significant relationship that exists between the GPA and GRE scores? Is there a significant difference in gender GPA and GRE scores? Do male students perform well then the female counterparts in the GPA and GRE examinations? Does the gender of the students affect the frequency of completion of the GPA and GRE in the degree programs? The null hypothesis; there is no any significant relationship exists between the GPA and GRE score.

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The dean of the university then should emphasize on the recruitment of best-qualified lecturers to teach different faculties in the university. The qualified and competent lectures will impart the best skills and knowledge to the students which intern will reflect good results in the student’s final grade at the university irrespective of their GRE scores. The GRE score is a requirement of graduate programmes in the United States if America universities. This research has found that more than 80% of degree programmes require the GRE score (Stone, E. R. P. Intervals of the grading measurement should stay constant, in the same varied duration. An analysis is a process of assigning numbers to objects or observations, the level of analysis being a function of the roles under which h the numbers are assigned.

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The most widely used classification of measurement scales is Nominal scale, ordinal scale, Interval scale, ratio scale. Nominal scale is merely a simple system of assigning number symbols to events to label them to numbers assigned to identify them. E. g. If same is position 10 and 40 it cannot be said that June is four times better than John. In the case of an interval scale, the interval scales are adjusted regarding some role that was established as a basis for making the units equal. E. ’ E. g. variables discreet which can only be expressed in integer form regarding, Age an excellent example of a constant variable while some children is an excellent example of non – permanent variable. If one variable depends upon or is a consequence of one variable. It is termed as the dependent variable, e.

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The attribution comes as a result that an individual performance per grade will reflect what the student will get at the end of the degree course at the university. If a student performed well the middle grades, then he or she will also do well at the final scores in the final GPA exams. The effort and mastery of content the student puts through the study, hence performing well in the grading exams show that the student will complete well (Field, A. P. The research hypothesis is a predictive statement that relates an independent to a dependent variable. g. There is a significant difference between perception and attitude of students. In the study Is there any difference in gender GPA and GRE scores? The null hypothesis; there is no significant difference in gender GPA and GRE results.

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Gender is the masculinity or the feminity of a person, which socially determined psychological and personal traits attributed to one being a male or a female. According to this research, it is found that GRE examinations are used to test the ability of both male and female regarding their cognitive skills on the quantitative reasoning and the verbal speeches (Mihaescu, O. B. It is evident that most of the student to lecture communication most involves the female gender. This gives the lady an opportunity to have a close relationship with the lecture hence having higher chances of better performance compared to the male because of the student-teacher interaction. The male gender may be most of the times involved in sports and other games while the female may be concentrated in the class work.

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This gives the lady a better chance of academic performance (Mihaescu, O. P. Male is known for possessing the ability to outdo the females regarding the academic performances of GPA and GRE. Technical disciplines like applied mathematics, engineering, and pure sciences have been in most cases associated with men as the men have the cognitive ability to perform the hard academic test with easiness as compared to their counterparts The research has shown that the efficiency and the speed at which the male and female students compose and interpret content differ. This will, in turn, result in their difference in the GPA scores. The assumptions are that other factors like the family background, the age of the students, the administration rules and regulations remain constant. These disciplines, which will clear channels to the universities, include biology, mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

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Other subjects like psychology may not provide a clear pathway to the university. REFERENCES Field, A. P. Analysis of variance (ANOVA). J. Salkind (Ed. Encyclopedia of research design (pp. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Pub Mihaescu, O. P. Given (Ed. The SAGE encyclopedia of qualitative research methods (pp. Thousand O http://methods. sagepub. com. edu/d2l/le/content/12736/viewContent/226922/View?ou=12736 https://ncuone. ncu. edu/d2l/le/content/12736/viewContent/268421/View?ou=12736 Almazan, E. P. Academic).

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