Gun Control Laws in the United States research

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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They have articulated their different views in their respective books and articles. Some support the adoption while others oppose the move as they believe that people need guns for defense in case of an attack. This research also found out that some scholars are entirely after pursuing matters surrounding gun control and gun laws just to provide information to the relevant authorities but not influence them to take a particular direction regarding this laws. Gun Control Laws in the United States Lott, J. R. Moreover, the case that was documented involved an individual defending himself from an attack by criminals. Masters, J. US gun policy: global comparisons.  New York: Council on Foreign Relations. cfr. Some Trends in Homicide and Its Age‐Crime Curves.  The Handbook of Homicide, 44. In this handbook, Albert Blumstein alludes that every American is concerned with the rising cases of violence in the country.

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There has been a constant fight against violence and other criminal activities across the states with murder being the most reported incident. Out of all homicides reported to the criminal investigation department, 70% of them are found to have involved the use of a firearm. It is one of the materials greatly cited by students undertaking gun-related studies for its rich content on gun usage in the United States. It I have however received huge criticism for the gun control advocates as the book makes their work totally irrelevant. The researcher claims that focus should be directed to abusers of guns rather than focusing on gun ownership. According to him, gun control advocates should rather get tough on criminals using to reduce incidences of abuse of these firearms. The book also discusses that people should not always attribute violence involving guns to an acquaintance in homes.

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Most the illicit guns are believed to be in the United States with an estimated 310 million people who are not in the military owning guns. Majority of this individuals believe that owning a gun is the best way to guarantee protection from terrorists in their home. Murray argues that gun control is the only possible way to reduce incidences of a mass shooting and other gun-related criminal activities. Focus on withdrawing guns from people diagnosed with psychiatric conditions should be implemented swiftly as this group of individuals is highly associated with the crime. Performing the latter does not in any way contravene with the second amendment. However, the Congress shot down his efforts thus making his measures null and void. Spitzer, being a member of NRA and Brady Centre, is recognized through the message in this book as a fighter towards the adoption of gun laws.

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The sixth edition of this book has several up to date data on people owning guns, deaths resulting from misuse of firearms, shootings in schools and new topics surrounding gun control saga. Like any other party interested in gun laws will like to discuss, Spitzer could not conclude his book without speaking about the Second Amendment. He argued that this amendment should be relooked at with the aim of taming any ungodly consequences of allowing people to have guns at their disposal. Kposowa, A. J. Firearms and violent death in the United States: Gun ownership, gun control, and mortality rates in 16 states, 2005–2009.  British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science, 7, 84-98. Deaths resulting from gunfire has become part of the daily business being discussed in the United States. Out of the four-bill discussed, two of them aimed at sealing loopholes that were used by certain individuals to purchase guns without disclosing whether they have acquired it from a shop online or at the gun show.

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The other two bills focused on blocking individuals who have been blacklisted for terrorism from acquiring guns either locally or importing them from other international markets. The author discusses the push and pulls between senators and the voting process that was marred with several ups and downs due to the opposing views of the senators. Eventually, the bill did not pass by proponents have hopes that if the bill could bear a “No Fly, No Buy” tag, it could have passed. Even though it is difficult to validate this information, the supporters of the bill to introduce strict gun control laws seem to be confident enough.  Journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 81(4), S54-S60. The main focus of this article is the risks associated with allowing acquisition of handguns to pediatrics.

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The researchers carried out a study in the states that allow acquisition of guns and found out that such states have a high number of pediatric admissions due to firearm-related injuries. They classified this trauma into either accidental (25%), assault related (64%), self-inflicted (4%) and 7% related to undetermined circumstances. They finally called for legislative actions to control the use of guns as a way of minimizing further injuries.

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