Health effects of fast foods
On the other hand, urbanization and globalization have significantly affected people's consumption patterns, forcing them to consume high-calorie and fancy foods. Fast foods refer to meals that are prepared and served quickly. They are popular because they are prepared with cheaper ingredients such as vegetables, meat, fruits, and whole grains (De Vogli, Kouvonen, and Gimeno 99). Furthermore, they are cheap, inexpensive, and tasty. Examples include soda, frozen entrees, cookies, snack foods, French fries, bagels, candy, energy bars, and croissants. They invest more in food-related issues than their male counterparts. They have a vast knowledge of nutrition and dietary practices. Nevertheless, they are more prone to change diets and perceive themselves as victims of weight loss. More often, they easily underestimate their weight and decrease their meals with time. Research shows that they record higher intakes of vegetables, fruits, dietary fiber, fat, and salt.
The Different Sides of the Controversy The rhetoric of fast foods has spurred series of debates on the quality and health standards of these foods. The controversy on the differences in fast food health impacts has attracted various views. Critics of these junk foods have argued that these foods are widely unhealthy. They also postulate that there are notable differences in the manner by which these fast foods affect the health status of men and women. They assert that these foods have higher levels of sodium, trans fats, and preservatives that adversely affect female productive systems. Instead, they state that people choose to go for either good or bad diets. Accordingly, they explain that the burden of unhealthy eating lies solely on consumers since they freely choose to consume products that are outside nutritional recommendations.
By the fact that fast foods save time, proponents of this industry assert that both men and women have equal opportunities to live healthily and engage in healthy activities. By so doing, achieving equal and improved health status is inexorable. By consuming fast foods, some analysts state that achieving a balance between personal life and career across gender lines is of paramount importance. On the other hand, as part of the resolution to this controversy, there should be better identification and optimal evaluation methods for cooking and preserving fast foods to enhance micronutrient bio-availability. Modern methods of preserving food should also be adopted at both household and community levels. Since junk foods and women have a strange affinity to each other, there should be systems that reduce women' habituation to such foods.
As a result, a variety of food options should be made available to people to reduce the consumption rates for these fast foods. Furthermore, public awareness and education on the most appropriate feeding patterns and dietary measures are vital in addressing the controversy that fast foods affect the health of men and women differently. It underlines a scenario where gender differences are presumably key in determining personal and societal traits during the purchase and consumption of food products. Despite the strong proposition that fast foods have selective health impacts on men and women, proponents of this industry argue that these postulations are ungrounded, unjustifiable, and misleading. As a result, resolving this health-related controversy through improved FBDGs, education and public awareness, behavior change, and incorporation of empirical research is of paramount importance.
Works Cited Carpenter, Christopher S. and D. Peer Effects, Fast Food Consumption and Adolescent Weight Gain. Journal of health economics 42 (2015): 125-138. Mitchell, Sheona, and Dorothy Shaw. The Worldwide Epidemic of Female Obesity. Best practice & research Clinical obstetrics & gynaecology 29.
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