History of Kenya

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Sociology

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The country is a border to the north with Ethiopia, to the west is Uganda, to the east is Somalia and to the south is Tanzania. According to the Kenya Bureau of statistics the national demographics constitutes of 42 tribal communities. Based on the census carried out within the nation in 2009, the population of Kenya was recorded to be 38. million people. This is an increase of 10 million individuals compared to the census which was carried out in 1999, 10 years after. This comprises of the Kikuyu and Luhya. The religious background within this nation entails most of the individuals belonging to the Christian religions, while some are Muslims than Hindus. Moreover, the family is the social symbol of the society. The most individual within the Kenyan population has the same characteristics. This comprises the handshake being the most common form of greeting around the nation.

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During meal times, the etiquette shown is dependent on the individual’s geographical location, his/her social status or even the ethical background. However, the society of Kenya today starting from the national government down the chain until the citizens are facing the issue of deforestation throughout the nations. Literature review Since the independence of Kenya in 1963 from the British colonist, the total coverage of trees in the country was estimated to be more than 10 percent. However, this statistical data on the total amount of trees has dropped to below 6 percent as the analysis carried out in 2006. However, this trend is expected to decrease if drastic measures cannot be adopted. Major forests in Kenya include Mau forest, Mount Kenya forest, the Aberdares forest, Mount Elgon forest as well as the cherangani forest.

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This region acts as a water catchment area to most rivers and lakes around the nation. More than 15000 million liters of water from these areas are drained into the rivers and lakes. Nonetheless, the forestry sector in Kenya plays a significant role in the economy. The forest is used as a source of energy. Moreover, the conservation of forest in the home environment helps to preserve the natural plus to improve the natural outlooks of the homes. Discussion and conclusion In Kenya, deforestation is a major factor affecting the growth of most forest resources. For instance, the Mau forest is considered a major forest resource in Kenya with land coverage of more than 200 kilometers in Kenya. The forest is a significant feature as it is the basin to many water resources including rivers which drain their waters in several lakes around the country.

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These rivers include Mara River, Sound River as well as ewaso nyiro south rivers; these rivers drain their water mostly in Lake Victoria. The environment has changed as a result of deforestation in Kenya. This includes the change of climate in most parts of Kenya since there is an excessive release of carbon IV oxide gases into the atmosphere. Moreover, the water levels in most river and lakes in Kenya have reduced. Since most forest is water catchment area their depletion also reduces the capacity of water in most rivers as well as lakes. Deforestation also results in the destruction of natural habitats and the wildlife as well. Maryanne, O. A. Mark, B. K. Assessment of hydrological impacts of Mau Forest, Kenya. Tateishi, R. Monitoring deforestation in Kenya. International journal of environmental studies, 61(3), 281-291.

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Tóth, A. B. Relations of power driving tropical deforestation: a case study from the Mau Forest (Kenya). Belgeo. Revue Belge de géographie, (2).

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