History of the Greenwich Village

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Literature

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It is the desire of everyone to have a home even if it comprises of only a single house. For most people, the home holds a very crucial importance such that they have security officers to guard their homes. The saying “east or west home is the best” summarizes the whole idea of how the home is important. One may travel to different places in the world but never come to any place like the home. While in those places, you may feel at home but a very big difference exists between being at home and feeling at home. We have our history in the city the same way the city has its history. There are many other towns and cities which have regulated and designated historic districts which are also specified.

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Some landmarks and neighborhoods have been in existence for a very long time while others were recently developed and it has been much easier to understand the city. There are some specific homes which have been listed as landmarks due to their superiority or age of existence. The city has been growing and rapid growth has been experienced over the past ten years. The rooms consist of three bedrooms, a dining room and a study room with a small library. Outside, there is a store, servants’ room and an outside cubicle. The house has flower-shaped floor tiles consisting of white and blue colors in all the rooms and a white ceiling board. We are not isolated from other people as several families neighbor us. A small home garden is also available where we grow some vegetables and at times crops for basic home use.

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Today, “The Village”, “West Village” and “Greenwich Village” are used interchangeably to refer to this neighborhood ("Greenwich Village | Neighborhood, New York City, New York, United States"). It was once a large industrial area before being colonized by radicals, artists, and bohemians but the high rents charged now discourage most of them to stay in it. during the colonial period, it was a village settlement for many people but in successive stages, it turned to be a completely residential area as well as a tenement district with houses being rented to multiple tenants at a lower price. It later became a meeting zone for nonconformist writers, intellectuals, students, and bohemians. High-rise apartments in the 1980s were turning it into a worthy and a classic neighborhood and most of the initial residents who could not afford the prices started moving to the East Village and SoHo.

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A metals dealer and a barber were among the 1890 tenants before a bohemian transformation took place in the1910s. Hart Crane, a writer also lived on the 2nd floor of the apartment in 1923 where he was struggling to make both ends meet. According to the 1930 census, the building was filled with mostly artists like a Russian- born who was a theater manager. The 1937 Department of Buildings requested that old apartment houses be upgraded but the owners of 45 Groove wanted to be allowed to retain the hardwood doors which had been used in the first-floor apartments. They cited the high ornamental quality of the doors as the reason they wanted to retain them. They would walk down the unfamiliar street pattern of the city attempting to know the whole village (Greenwich Village).

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The discovery of the west 4th and the west 12th street was somehow funny because it is common that numbered streets are usually parallel to one another. Most people preferred being within the areas surrounded by Bleecker and 14th Street, Second Avenue and Greenwich Street. The culture was very much live in Greenwich Village and very few people lived outside these pleasantries. Greenwich village was experiencing a period of cultural rebirth and most people became activists from the Village. Images A Tenement Apartment in Greenwich Village The 45 Groove Street ("45 Grove Street | Travelgoat. Com") Conclusion New York has a great history of homes and most interestingly is the Greenwich Village which was once a home for great folk artists. It is the home of very many people not only from the United States but also from different parts of the world.

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The village also has a lot of booming businesses and housing business is among them. There are many real estate companies and corporations which are involved in renting, buying and selling of homes and lands. Grove Street | Travelgoat. Com". Travelgoat. Com, 2018, http://www. travelgoat.

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