T. According to Oates et al. responsible bodies such as the Veteran Association do not have defined plans to ensure that such veterans receive enough pensions and discharge benefits that will enable them to establish a new life. Mostly the government provide retirement support to those who have served in the military for more than 20 years. However, this is unfair. The organisation mainly aims at providing care to the homeless veterans by formulating a house provision plan. The organisation targets to work in collaboration with good willing people and organisations as well as the government at large in raising finances that are required to cater for the needs as outlined in the budget. Mission. The mission of the organisation is to provide secure and sufficient housing, nutritious meals, proper health care and counselling services to promote personal development and empowerment among homeless veterans as well as providing placement assistance to the recovering individuals.
Vision The vision statement for the organisation is ensuring the fulfilment of the army motto, “leave no man behind. All members, well-wishers as well as assisting organisations will free to air their suggestions, compliments, ideas and grievances to the management. The management will also be tasked with ensuring that all opinions are considered. The staff must also be confidential. No individual will be allowed to provide secretive information concerning the organisation or support groups without the authority. Self-esteem will also be an essential value in the organisation. Furthermore, the organisation will provide rehabilitation services to drug addicts to transform their minds into their real form. The management will seek mentors, counsellors and legal aides to advice, encourage and educate the veterans on how they can become productive members of the society.
The overall strategy of the organisation is to set up a centre for veterans. The centre will be used as a home for the veterans where basic needs, as well as education, are provided. Finally, the organisation will help recovering individuals to obtain employment from where they will gain capital to establish their own permanent homes and establish families. Nevada is the third city behind California at 60. per cent, with Hawaii and Georgia set fourth and fifth with a 58. per cent and 55. per cent respectively. The United States code outlines that around 11% of the homeless adult population are veterans. The Homeless Veteran Agency is not different. The agency target to house 1000 homeless veterans in the next twelve months. Also, the organisation has to provide food on daily bases to the vets, health facilities, counselling personnel, rehabilitation services as well as clothing.
According to the budget committee, the agency’s operations will run smoothly with a budget of 500000 for the next one year. Housing operations are budgeted to cost 300000 US dollars with a small deviation of 20000 US dollars; food costs may vary since the agency expects to receive donations from time to time by well-wishers and self-help organisations. The agency will raise the rest from veteran organisations such as the Veteran Association, The Red Cross Association, local governments and the federal governments. Community Partnerships. The agency will partner with different organisations to ensure we fulfil our vision and deliver our goals as stated in our mission. Among the organisations, we will partner with include the Veteran Association. The Veteran Association is a government agency that deals with the housing of homeless individuals and veterans at risk.
Also, we will include their help in funding some of our projects such as during the fundraising. The agency will also partner with Red Cross during the “house a veteran walk. ” Red Cross is a famous organisation. Therefore, partnering with them in a walk will attract more people to donate in funding our project. Homeless Veterans Alliance is also set to partner firmly with the Atlanta community at large. The board of directors. Homeless Veterans Alliance is a non-profit organisation. Consequently, the organisation requires an extraordinary board of directors, who are visionary and are willing to work by the mission of the organisation. Board members were selected under a tight strategy by considering the academic qualifications, personal skills and experience and their desire to serve the public As an upcoming organisation, I chose a small committee of directors, with six individuals, the chairman, the secretary, treasurer, and three executive officials who are stakeholders in the agency.
The chairman is a professor in public relations. The other officials were included in the board to represent the partnering organisations as well as provide. transparency among the three executive officials on the board. Each one had to be passionate about my mission statement. Each board members demonstrated that they had possible experience working or volunteering with local nonprofit organisations. The candidates serving as board members are a legitimate business person serving in the local community for at least the past ten years. The resident service support staff will help with providing the clients with personal care. It will also be tasked with transporting clients to different activities in the community. Departmental supervisors will see to it that the various departments are run efficiently in a manner that aims at fulfilling the mission of the organisation.
Non-official staff include the cafeteria staff, security staff, cleaning staff and volunteers. Cafeteria staff will perform kitchen duties and ensure they provide food and drinks to all stakeholders. As a result, the board will send a team every year to benchmark with their management and identify strategies that our organisation may employ for our success. The report will also be considered in every evaluation meeting to check the progress of the organisation in comparison to successful non-profit organisations such as The VA Home. Legal issue. The legal and regulatory issue to be prohibited by the organisation is about corruption. Any actions such as receiving bribes, wrongly giving information about a problem for financial gains or wrongfully alters the financial report for their financial benefits will be considered as acts of corruption as stated in the organisation’s code of ethics.
Davis, S. M. A comparison of national emergency department use by homeless versus non-homeless people in the United States. Journal of health care for the poor and underserved, 20(3), 840-845. Kramarow, E. Civ. Confinement, 35, 357. Fargo, J. Metraux, S. Byrne, T. Henry, M. Cortes, A. Morris, S. The 2013 annual homeless assessment report (AHAR) to Congress. Washington: The US Department of Housing and Urban Development.
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