Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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This very popular region has been known for a serious state of homelessness whereby most of its residents go unsheltered, with large number of people reported to spend their nights in the streets. The cost of housing and sustaining shelter at Bay Area is very expensive for a common citizens who lack employment and reliable sources of income and livelihoods. People in San Francisco live in two key extremes; a few minority who are filthy rich at the expense of the poor and the other class is the largest majority who are languishing in abrupt poverty. The state of homelessness in Bay area is something that capture the attention of many people given the filthy condition people are living in, (Schutte, 2017). Some of the key contributors of homelessness at Bay Area are; high rates of renting and acquiring housing, high rates of unemployment, poverty, illiteracy and generally in ability of government support in helping its citizens to acquire a better share of social amenities, inclusive of health care.

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Standards of behaviour at Bay Area should be enforced, one solution to reinforcing standards at the streets is through provision of shelter to street dwellers and also through feeding them through either formal housing or encampments. Homelessness at Bay Area is a sign of a government that has failed in implementing housing policy and that which I out to embrace total breakdown of society. People`s lives are highly endangered by breading homelessness. Youths are at the highest risk of losing the right direction to realizing a great future, the future of any country is bestowed upon youth who are deemed as the leaders of tomorrow. Homelessness at Bay Area has led to increased drugs and substance abuse among youths, increased distortions and moral decay among youths and young adults, poor health conditions and increased mortality rates due to lack of proper medication or access to medical services, increased crime rates, insecurity as a result of terrorism risks, economic stagnation due to lack of better transition of the old and the growing youth who fail to rise to fill positions left by retiring adults, increased unemployment leading to poverty and lack of money, as well as early pregnancies and infections of HIV and sexual transmitted infections due immorality breaded in streets.

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Al, 2014). Further research done in recent years by, (Bradley, et. Al, 2014), suggested that the issue with homelessness at Bay Area was found to be deep seated at lapses in the nature of policies government has in play and also due to social-economical forces that are deeply rooted in the rigid structure or government systems that doesn’t respond so fast or appropriately to accommodate or del with change. The deliverables of the study indicated that eliminating homelessness in entirety could be something of the past, however it proposed that homelessness could be dealt with through preventing its further breading and by putting in place proactive measures to deal with it whenever it occurs in order to reduce adverse effects of homelessness to the society and the economy at large. Homelessness should therefore be dealt with from its deep seated roots which is at adjusting housing policies in order to accommodate the underlying complication of street and unhoused people.

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Organizations that used to pay better wages have deteriorated others have not been sustainable in the turbulent waves in the economic environment. Antitrust regulations have been ineffective in their policies, wages rates have undergone stagnation hence impacting on people`s purchasing power which extrapolates to inability to afford housing in both short and long-run. Great recession that occurred in the year 2008 and the results of uneven recovery of the economy from recession has catapulted this problem of homelessness to higher heights. Economic instability trickles down to the ordinary citizen which makes their lives more unbearable, (Bradford, et al, 1998). The other factor promoting homelessness is the decline in social safety for its citizens. Research has shown that homeless people are vulnerable to many complications and highly susceptible to recurring incidences of adverse effects of homelessness.

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The best way to succeed in this matter is by ensuring that recurring incidences of homelessness does not persist, and that coming up with ways to prevent the problem whenever it occurs is the only sure way to end this problem in the long run. Alternatively another solution is by making the problem of homelessness rare and brief and possibly non-occurring in future. In this case, the possible intervention strategies could help in reducing the adverse effects of homelessness are; Rapid measures should be deployed immediately whenever a problem of homelessness presents itself, this will ensure that the problem doesn’t spread to critical rates. Chronically affected and disabled families should be given detailed and more specialized attention since their issues on homelessness require huge costs and complex methodologies to solve.

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The problem of homelessness in this area should be handled by first looking at the cause and the roots of the issue. Understanding where the problem is deeply rooted from will provide objective grounds for solving the problem once and for all. Bay Area prides in a wealth of many organizations which are looking into the problem of homelessness, therefore it should capitalize on this key competence in eliminating or mitigating the negative impact of homelessness once and for all. In my opinion the problem of homeless would be perfectly demystified by embracing the following factors; enlightened political leadership, well-coordinated efforts, adequate funding and support from the community and the government, enhanced levels of accountability. The above mentioned factors will bring this problem closer to its end or even its end.

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Works Cited Schutte, Anna. Assessing and Addressing the Needs of Youth Experiencing Homelessness in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Source: https://scholar. oxy. edu/uep_student/6/ Bradley, Katharine, and Ryan E. Source: https://www. researchgate. net/publication/261134376_Gearing_up_to_support_urban_farming_in_California_Preliminary_results_of_a_needs_assessment Whittle, Henry J. et al. Food insecurity, chronic illness, and gentrification in the San Francisco Bay Area: an example of structural violence in United States public policy. How housing regulations cause homelessness.  The Public Interest 102 (1991): 78-88. Source: https://www. google. com/search?q=Tucker%2C+William.  Emerging infectious diseases 15. Source: https://www. google. com/search?q=Bonilla%2C+Denise+L. C+et+al. j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8.

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