House Hunters TV show is fake
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:English
It does not involve professional actors. At times, it is a contest where a prize is awarded to the winner. The show was broadcasted for the first time in a national television in 1954. House Hunters is a reality TV show that is aired on HGTV. The house hunters follow families, couples or individuals who are searching for a new house or home; they are usually accompanied by a real estate agent for assistance. Now that they are through with comparing the three houses, they have to decide on which house to buy. They tell their realtor about the house they wish to buy and the deal is complete. After a few weeks or months, the producers of the show visit the couple in their home and find out how much they bought the house.
The couple explains the various changes that they have made in the house, how different the house when compared to their previous house. Finally, the couple explains how much their life is better in their dream house, and it’s the end of the episode. Other people who watch this show are homeowners that want to sell their homes; also advertisers of homes are big fans of this show. Facts showing that the Show is Fake. Participants Own the House before Appearing On the Show The fact is that the couple you see in the show already own the house that they pretend to have decided to buy. “Before appearing on the show, it is one of the requirements that you must own the house. They will tour two other houses and their house.
But who owns the other two houses shown in each episode? The other fact is that other couples already own the other two houses. The owners of the houses can be friends or relatives; the realtor can also line up viewing of houses that they already know about. The participants have to ask their friends to clean their houses very well so that they can be fit to be on TV. The friends also have to leave their homes for at least the whole day. The awkward thing is that the participants have to walk through their friends' house critique them about this and that as the reason as to why they are not going to buy them. The worse thing is that the realtors are not paid anything, not a dime, and they have to work for hours; they are but volunteers.
It’s funny that despite all these pay cuts, making a single episode of the house hunters cost $45,000-50,000, the big question is where does all this money go? Do not involve the stars of the show while making your guesses. It Can Feel Like The Star Treatment. Shooting one episode takes 3-5 days, and there is a crappy pay, then why are there people still lining up to be on the show? There are between 100-200 applying couples to get in the show every week. Why that big number? The answer is that the participants are treated like stars. Most of the audience are fans of reality TVs and they enjoy watching the experience of purchasing a new home even though they know it is a fake show. Island Hunters This is also a house hunter, but it has a tropical twist.
In this show does not only help their buyers buy a house, but it also follows buyers who are also looking for a getaway. “Buyers in this branch of house hunters want a private island. The island hunters follow families who are looking for a slice of their private island; they visit three private islands that provide vacation homes and beautiful beaches. The participants must have also bought the island before the show. This show is different from the rest because it involves going around islands. The last one, house hunters international involves families living abroad. These families want new homes in new areas, some even with different language and culture background. This one distinguishes itself from the rest because it involves going from one country to another. In simple terms, House Hunters is not a reality show.
Conclusion House hunt show is fake, it involves buying something that has already been purchased. It could be fake but many people enjoy watching. The group of participants that are known to benefit from the show are the realtors; this is because they get the opportunity of marketing themselves. It is not easy for a realtor to get such an opportunity like getting on such a popular show that has millions of fans all over the world. com/shows/house-hunters-international. Retrieved, December 1, 2018. Island Hunters. hgtv. com/shows/island-hunters.
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