How effective is Cyber Security

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Technology

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This is mainly attributed to the influx of more technological devices as compared to people, as the perpetrators continue becoming more innovative. When an organization implements an effective cyber security system, the risk of potential cyber-attacks reduces and protects individuals and organization from unauthorized access of systems, technologies and networks. Cyber-attacks often disrupt and cause significant reputational and financial damages to even the most resilient organization. When an organization or an individual suffers a cyber-attack, they are at a risk of losing business, assets, reputation and might eventually face litigation and regulatory fines, together with remediation costs (Duncan, et al). With all these, a questions arise on how we can be sure of the effectiveness of cyber security. These elements include; Cyber Security Strategy and Framework- When planning for an effective cyber security system, one of the plans entails avoiding these breaches.

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This can only be achieved when basic security systems are operating at top form (Duncan, et al). This frame work establishes and maintains a cyber-security framework and strategy that is personalized to the nature, complexity, culture, size and risk profile of an organization. The framework should be informed by national, international industry guidance and standards. With this is followed by setting up the basics of cyber security. Monitoring- A cyber security program can only be effective as it is monitored. Organizations should establish regular monitoring assessment programs that are capable of quickly detecting unauthorized activities. These assessment programs include; network testing, monitoring, exercises and audits that evaluate control effectiveness (Elkhannoubi and Belaissaoui). They are used to remediate or enhance necessary controls and are carried out by trained, independent personnel from the function that implements and manages the cyber security program set.

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Response- An effective cyber security program should have an incident response plan that provides clear direction and be designed in a manner that allows the organization to assess the scope, nature and impact of a cyber-incident, mitigate and contain the occurring incident, inform the relevant stakeholders and ensure coordination of required responses. An effective cyber security strategy is paramount for any company regardless of the number of its employees (Loiseau and Lemay). Each organization has its unique need for cyber security, therefore, each adopts different strategies that identify and mitigate cyber security risks. Organizations like insurance companies and other financial institutions often emphasize their security efforts on meeting a acquiescence obligation, on the other hand others focus start new security efforts after a breach. This approach is not effective and often leaves them vulnerable to the next attack (Nielsen).

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Traditionally, cyber security programs only revolved around providing basic anti-malware tools that prevented attackers from attaining unauthorized access to networks. An effective cyber security consist of a blend of several stakeholders. These include training, culture and leadership, a tested and tried processes or governance, detection and protection software’s, improved technology and resilience that is underpinned and supported by an effective IT controls and solutions. An effective form of cyber security focuses on prevention. These programs provided a well-designed and consolidated approach to cyber security (Nielsen). The whole organization focuses on develop one unique design that covers its environment, managed by one platform. These attackers are probing networks searching for loop holes that they can exploit to their personal advantage. Some also track company employees and those with authorized access to organizational networks and systems.

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Therefore, responding to and preventing these breaches need strategic and effective forward planning. Certain elements need to be put in place to prevent security breaches and quick responses to mitigate the attacks. These elements include; Cyber Security Strategy and Framework, Risk and Control Assessment, Governance, Monitoring, Response, Information Sharing, Recovery and Continuous Learning.  2015 IEEE/ACS 12th International Conference of Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), 2015. Loiseau, Hugo, and Lina Lemay. Canada's Cyber Security Policy: A Tortuous Path Toward a Cyber Security Strategy.  Cyber Conflict, 2013, pp. Nielsen, Roy S.

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