How people resist brain

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:English

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Though the brain and the mind influence one another to certain magnitudes, the capacity for the brain to change is influenced by the changes in the mind. In the case of Osten, clever Hans says that “the deception was elaborate and effective but was perpetrated unconsciously” (Gilbert 134). Since both have an influence on the other, they are shaped by experiences and ideas generated through thoughts and physical encounters through the process of plasticity. The learning process involving physical encounters and it may sometimes be shrouded in mystery by the conspiracies between preceptors and the brain. The eye and the brain coordinate with one another beyond normal understanding. The brain changes more during the early years of life since reorganization and maturity are predominant.

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During this stage, brain sensitivity and responsiveness to experiences is high compared to later life. After the identification of what needs to be changed, establishment of communication between the identified gaps to fill is made to draw deep non-verbal signals. Unlike structural plasticity, functional plasticity depends on the learning and memory processes. The responsiveness and sensitivity represent a special type of change in the brain where changes based on capacity causes changes in the effectiveness of the brain. The reactions depend on the magnitude of the trigger since the brain only reacts to what greatly assault it and no other small triggers. Though some small events may be very annoying to the brain, the likelihood for change and reaction is minimal.

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The paradox of viewing events based on intensity and reacting to them through regeneration of facts and shifting of blame creates various consequences. It is difficult, for example, to generate a positive perception or view regarding a bad experience than a bad experience. Reacting to small triggers is often associated with uncivilized synapses and that best defense should filter unnecessary triggers. As humans crave new information; technology provides hyperlinks to which one can jump to new experiences without really comprehending the information at hand. This creates fleeting attention spans that render the brain to be overwhelmed by temptation. According to Joseph Weizenbaum, “the world that emerged from widespread use of time keeping instrument remains an impoverished version of the older one” (Carr, p70).

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The brain`s malleability has often been a positive thing but has its own risks of reprogramming human circuitry. The constant series of bad experiences and constant shifts create dissatisfaction and discontent regarding certain experiences. The internet, for example, has influenced human attention span reconstructing the overall critical thinking and learning capabilities. With the tampering of essential capabilities of thinking, thinking through situations to offer correct human experience and perception is suppressed. Exposures to technology, for example, restructure the brain perception capabilities through remapping and reprogramming to create disoriented attention and critical thinking. Conclusion The brain is altered by different factors ranging from growth factors, psychoactive drug, experience, genetics, disease and dietary. However, experience stands to become the most significant factor in brain changes.

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