How persuasion can be applied in conflict resolution
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Media
Dickie, Jeffrey. Trust and Conflict Resolution: Relationship Building for Learning. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 197 (2015): 2066-2073. In business, the main point is to make sales and have a good interaction with the customers. This is the reason why there is a need for strategies that help with the business. Sexton, Martha, and Carole Orchard. Understanding healthcare professionals’ self-efficacy to resolve interprofessional conflict. Journal of interprofessional care30. Movies, too, can be used as a way of changing attitudes towards stigmatized groups of people in the society. Watching a film that demonstrates the way that immigrants encounter multiple dangerous situations I their endeavor and the reason that forces them to immigrate can change the way that people perceive them. Global Media Journal, Canadian Edition 9. Labor disputes have always been around and as such it is with utmost importance that they be addressed properly to result in peaceful working conditions.
It is not mandatory to issue lawsuits or report incidences to the authorities since mediation can be used as a means of persuading the parties involved to reach a consensus and sort their issues out. Zhuang, Wenjia, and Feng Chen. “Mediate First”: The revival of mediation in labor dispute resolution in China. End of life decisions in the between doctors and families of the sick person mostly turn out to be a conflict. This is because it is hard for a family to withdraw from treating their sick family members since they will be killing him/her but also, they have no option since the process is draining them economically. Therefore, doctors come up with strategies of persuasion to influence and help the family members in making the best decisions. Mehter, Hashim M.
et al. IEEE, 2015. Conflicts over resources are always rising in the contemporary world. For instance, the mining in china has from time to time caused conflicts between the locals and the mining sector. If left to escalate, these conflicts can bring about a lot of chaos in the country which brings out the reason for a mediator between these two sectors. In this case, both sides are persuaded against conflicts by warning them about the aftermath of their conflicts and finding a common ground between them. Peace between countries is always sought by the members involved in the countries since it is effective for good living and development. However, at times conflicts are unavoidable. The case of conflict between Burundi and Rwanda clearly proves that it is advisable that in such problems, a mediator should be involved in persuading the two sides to maintain peace between them.
The persuasion, according to Ansah, could be introducing a morally upright mediator to bring together the two warring sides. Ansah, John Windie. This can be illustrated by the EU’s involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian and the Cyprus conflict too. The EU, in this case, had strong means of persuasion in order to bring peace and understanding between the sides involved. All through 2005-2010, the EU’s ability to persuade these side were adequate to solve the conflicts concerning Cyprus. EU’s Conflict Resolution Capacity: the Cases of Cyprus and Israel/Palestine. Persuasion is also used in political metaphors to communicate hidden messages. Apart from anger and happiness, there have been evidence that disappointment and guilt too, can be used to activate some parts of the brain which unlocks certain perceptions of thinking hence making the persuasion effective enough and reliable for conflict resolution.
Olekalns, Mara, and Daniel Druckman. With feeling: How emotions shape negotiation. Emotion in group decision and negotiation. Springer, Dordrecht, 2015. In that case, it is recommended for everyone in an organization to share the same concept on how things should be done. However, there are always hiccups in an organization’s policies. This calls for persuasion by outlining the benefits of the policies in place to the parties involved so as to make sure there is an understanding of the policies in place in order to avoid future conflicts within the organization. Hirsch, Alexander V. Experimentation and persuasion in political organizations. With that in mind, the government had to use facts to persuade the locals about the benefits of the power plants so that they could get an understanding and accept the construction.
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Vance, Kara, Sadan Kulturel-Konak, and Abdullah Konak.
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