How Students Have Benefited From Technological Advancement
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:English
Major players in the education sector are students and they have highly benefited from technological advancement. Modern-day students have a wide reach of resources as compared to students who had no technology in their time. Computers and the internet have made resources like the library easily accessible to students, unlike the time when it was only accessible to a certain number of students at a particular time. The essay discusses evidence of how students have benefited from technological advancement. Technology is the root cause of various effects which have been beneficial to both the student and the economy at large. YouTube is another platform from Google which offers immense support to students doing research. Some professors have recorded their class lessons and posted them there. It becomes easy for students doing research to refer to those lessons whenever they are unable to reach the professor.
Technology has also made it easy for students to do Surveys online. Surveys were done manually before the advancement of technology and usually took a lot of time. Everything is done online from admission application, lecturers to doing exams. Distance education has been born from of this innovation. Students are now able to do part-time jobs to finance their education, which helps them pay bills while doing their studies. Web Seminars Some schools have limited resources to finance for students’ field trips in their related fields. Without this exposure, it makes it difficult for students to know what the other side of theoretical class work holds. Students can also evaluate their process without consultation of teachers. Online tests and quizzes provide students with a ground to improve their skills further. Increased Motivation and Self-esteem Technology has increased level of motivation in students all over the world.
The old school method of teaching was not productive since it used to have a lot of analog practices. Digitalization of educational process makes it attractive for the students. The behavioral models calculated using the software imparts a lot of knowledge to the students. There are various software designed to teach and rate students in mathematics. It presents a whole new level of teaching and makes students who are not good in the subjected feel appreciated unlike the old-school method of teaching where there was a lot of bias against them by teachers. A good example of such a software is the Khan Academy, (Teo, and Zhou 18). Education Access by the Disabled Disability is no longer an obstacle in accessing education. The main aim was to increase connection among students, but it ended up becoming a global affair.
The world has been reduced to a village by this innovation. In conclusion, evidence of the effects of technology in the education sector shows a firm connection. Indirect evidence of technology in the education sector is evident all over the world. Illiteracy levels have reduced all over the world thanks to easy access to education by everyone around the globe. pp. Wiley, doi:10. pits. Accessed 18 Nov 2018. Marshall, Stephen. Technology, Pedagogy And Education, vol 20, no. pp. Informa UK Limited, doi:10. x. Accessed 18 Nov 2018. pp. Springer Nature, doi:10. s12528-014-9080-3. Thomas, Kevin M. et al.
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pg. Technology is on the brim of carrying away the complex duties that were once manually carried out by man. It is turning things either in the positive direction or the negative direction that gives rise to the question. Is technology useful to the student or does it deny students a chance of creativity and innovativeness? The purpose of the discussion is to explore the various ways technology is affecting the education system. Attention Span It is the level of concentration towards a particular presentation or an activity. Additionally, other scientific research indicates that students who engage in video games have a better time paying attention in comparison to those who do not play video games. After beginning to play video games, the level of attention could get better. The results were conflicting due to the basis of the research findings.
Perhaps the first study is engaged to the students from the survey instituted on the impact of marketing in reference for creativity and innovation. Business people need to consider the fact that a similar level of advertisements makes the customers lose attention. The attention present develops memory, creativity, and problem-solving techniques. Such information acquisition is as a result of the environment. On the negative perspective, modern technology is placing the student into a deep ditch where students are finding it difficult to retain their memory. The class work demands students manage to store up more information for their use in the examinations and assignment. The students then look for alternatives in the use of technology to memorize the information. Teachers were asked to compare the performance of tests done on a computer in 2005 and a written test in 2000 (Sung et al.
pg. The finding of the teacher was that the performance of the written work was higher by a standard deviation of one third. It concluded that students are more careful in what they write by hand rather than what they type and therefore technology affected the student performance. In another experiment of the California School District, the study of the effect of the use of the laptop on the performance of students, the research findings indicated that students who received laptops indicate a positive performance in English in comparison to students with no laptops two years down the line. In an exciting study, student developed a positive behavior towards PowerPoint classes. While there was no difference in performance, there was the developed attitude towards the respond to PowerPoint classes. As a result, students perceived a positive behavior in the PowerPoint classes and indicated that they would most probably attend the class more often because of the perceptions they developed towards the teacher (Lavin et al.
pg. It is due to the use of technology in the presentation that the students find it most interesting to attend class and develop a positive attitude towards their professor. Brand. The effect of technology on learner attention and achievement in the classroom. South African Journal of Education 33. Chun, Ki Chul, et al. A scaling roadmap and performance evaluation of in-plane and perpendicular MTJ based STT-MRAMs for high-density cache memory. Computers & Education 72 (2014): 271-291. Sung, Yao-Ting, Kuo-En Chang, and Tzu-Chien Liu. The effects of integrating mobile devices with teaching and learning on students' learning performance: A meta-analysis and research synthesis. Computers & Education 94 (2016): 252-275.
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