How the Mind Works in the field of Psychology

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

Document 1

To understand what the mind is, one has to gain an in depth comprehension of how it works. Throughout history, the research conducted on the human brain through an evolutionary basis has long remained separate from the psychological studies of the mind. Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory was considered separate and has only recently started playing a major role in research from a psychological standpoint. This research remains predominantly in the field known as “Evolutionary Psychology. ” Therefore, by definition, evolutionary psychology “is simply psychology that is informed by the additional knowledge that evolutionary biology has to offer, in the expectation that understanding the process that designed the human mind will advance the discovery of its architecture” (Melanie Mitchell, 1). Melanie’s text points out that by using studies based on human emotion, thoughts as well as behavioral patterns over the course of evolutionary time, they can understand the psychology and functionality of the human mind.

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As such, the constant view of the human mind and its consequent study, as a machine, has led to trials into replicating its systems and functionality in our everyday lives. Creations such as computer systems and mobile phones are done in a bid to create better standards of living while simultaneously gaining a deeper understanding on how it works. Theoretic ideologies in the modern day such as artificial intelligence and cybernetics draw their core basis from cognitive research. These may be complex and in most cases resource consuming, however, great strides are occurring in the health industry such as synthetic and robotic limbs to replace lost ones. He adds that the analysts should be more than what they have been taught in their course studies, i.

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e. that they should cultivate an ability to become adaptive in the case where there are miscellaneous issues “Are we substantive experts employed by CIA, or are we professional analysts and intelligence officers whose expertise lies in our ability to adapt quickly to diverse issues and problems and analyze them effectively?” (Richards J. Heuer, xi). There are flaws that come with every analyst’s mental process which are a basic part of them. Moreover, since these fabrications are drawn from memories with seemingly strong emotional connections, they may end up appearing more real to the analyst than the actual occurrence if it ever comes to light. “Analysts construct their own version of “reality” on the basis of information provided by the senses, but this sensory input is mediated by complex mental processes that determine which information is attended to, how it is organized, and the meaning attributed to it.

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” (Richards J. Heuer, xxi). The perceptions that people have, the ease at which they perceive them, as well as their reactions to such information after getting it remains predisposed to their experiences in the past, cultural ideals, education, necessities of the roles, along with the essentials of the received information. He emphasizes on procedures that elaborate and uncover the points of view that are alternative; i. e. ‘if I was the subject of analysis, what would I do?’ It is notable that Heuer maintains an emphasis on both the dangers and values that come with the use of these ‘mental models’ (Richards J. Heuer, xxi). He advises on the use of systems that take into consideration the difficulties that come with the human mind’s complex information processing.

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