Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Politics

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chapman. edu/cgi/viewcontent. cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&article=1001&context=honors_student_work. Accessed July 26, 2018. The main argument in this paper is that the interests and welfare of immigrants to the United States should be looked into. Accessed July 26, 2018 This article looks into the effects of immigration and the immigration reform on the wage of American-born workers. First, the authors give an overview of the US’s immigrant population and dispel some of the existing misconceptions pertaining to undocumented immigrants. They then look at the impacts of immigration on the wages of American-born workers citing that high levels of immigration have no adverse effect on the average wage of the American-born workers. The authors, however, acknowledge that immigration causes effects in distributional wage by raising the wage of highly skilled American workers while reducing that of lowly skilled American workers.

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Finally, recommendations are given on how immigration reforms can be used to reverse these effects. This article will be useful in creating arguments against the belief that immigrants are displacing American-born workers with no college education in employment. Budget Model. The Effects of Immigration on the United States’ Economy. Penn Wharton University of Pennsylvania, June 27, 2016. wharton. Widener University Commonwealth Law School, October 2017. americanbar. org/content/dam/aba/events/administrative_law/2017/10/001_litigating. authcheckdam. pdf. The authors are of the opinion that the focus on ICE is only a distraction from the main underlying issue; the US immigration law. They argue that while the ICE may have made some poor decisions, they are only enforcers of the immigration law and as such, real change would only be realized if the law was changed.

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The authors go ahead to give some of the possible implications that would be felt if the IC was disbanded. This article will be useful in the argument on the role of ICE in light of the existing immigration problems. Gulasekaram, Pratheepan. Hirschman, Charles. Immigration to the United States: Recent Trends and Future Prospects. Malays Journal of Economic Studies, 2014. Vol. No. Ayon, Cecilia. Becerra, David, Gurrola, Maria. Salas, Lorraine. US Immigration Policy and Immigrant Children’s Wellbeing: The Impact of Policy Shifts. The Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 2011. Somin, Iya. Donald Trump’s ‘Travel Ban’ is still a ‘Muslim Ban’ No Matter What the Supreme Court Ruled. Cato Institute, June 26, 2018. cato. org/publications/commentary/donald-trumps-travel-ban-still-muslim-ban-no-matter-what-supreme-court-ruled Accessed July 25, 2018. Accessed July 26, 2018. Androff, David K. Ayon, Cecilia. Becerra, David, Gurrola, Maria. Salas, Lorraine. Unskilled Workers Lose Out to Immigrants.

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The New York Times, January 6, 2015. nytimes. com/roomfordebate/2015/01/06/do-immigrants-take-jobs-from-american-born-workers/unskilled-workers-lose-out-to-immigrants. Accessed July 25, 2018. org/content/dam/aba/events/administrative_law/2017/10/001_litigating. authcheckdam. pdf. Accessed July 25, 2018. Hirschman, Charles. The Impact of Immigration on Wages of Unskilled Workers. Cato Journal, 2017. cato. org/cato-journal/fall-2017/impact-immigration-wages-unskilled-workers Accessed July 26, 2018. Shapiro, Robert J. org/publications/commentary/donald-trumps-travel-ban-still-muslim-ban-no-matter-what-supreme-court-ruled Accessed July 25, 2018. Widmer, Ted. The Immigrant Dividend. The New York Times, October 6, 2015. nytimes.

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