Impact of dominicans in the united states

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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The immigration of various societies over the years has led to intermarriages with the Native Americans and mixed up cultures within the United States. For instance, the evolution of Chinatown in San Francisco was due to the invasion of the Chinese society in the region. These groups of immigrants over the years have contributed and made impacts to all spheres of life in the United States of America. These spheres include life aspects that affect the profile of the United States such as social, political, and economic profiles. Dominicans are a group of immigrants that have settled in the United States of America and have contributed in many ways especially politically, socially, and economically. More precisely, an estimation of the Dominican population in America in 2013 reflects one point eight (1. million. The increasingly large number of the Dominican population in America has led to some several political, social, economic impacts in the history and present-day America.

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Economically, the Dominican immigrants and other immigrants as well as caused some impacts that are broadly classified into two distinct groups according to the impact of their effects on American society. Firstly, there are the long-term effects of immigration of these groups into the country. With increased unemployment rates in the regions dominated by these immigrants over time has led to increased crimes and drug abuse in the United States of America (Hernández, & Rivera-Batiz, 2003). Besides their negative impact on the economical situations in the country, the new Dominicans immigrants to the United States of America has come alongside new thrilling business ideas. Through their visit to the country, they have helped in discovering new methods of trade, contributed to research by sharing technological research with research teams or organizations around the country.

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Secondly, about the economic impacts of these immigrants to the United States of America, there are the short-term effects of these immigrants. A name suggests, these effects of these immigrants do not have an impact that lasts for long causing adverse effects to the United States economy and its citizens. Some of the Dominicans not to mention but a few have contributed to the political growth of the country (Lowenthal, 1991). Some of these immigrants over the years have been popular and been elected to serve the nation as mayors, legislators and more importantly, they have filled to serve the top political positions of the national and the state government. The participation of the Dominican in the United States of Americas’ politics dates back to the Trujillo dictatorship regime between nineteen thirty to nineteen sixty-one (1930-1961).

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During this period, the Dominicans went into exile from the United States of America, and they organized opposition parties that went over to monitor the regimes’ activities ties to the abuse of human rights in the country (Itzigsohn and Villacrés, 2008). After the election of Salvador Jorge Blanco in nineteen eighty-two (1982) led to shifting political policies on the Diaspora. According to t the New York Times, the Dominicans have been participating in active politics, and their candidates have been eying for the top political jobs and positions within the country. For example, Angel Taveras, the first Dominican mayor of Providence eyes for the state governor Conclusively, the Dominicans have been assimilated into American culture, but more importantly, they have intermarried with each other creating the mulatto group, these are Dominican-Americans born in the United States with Dominican origin.

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Despite their high poverty levels in the earlier years of arrival in the United States, these immigrants have worked over the years to improve their living standards income rates. In connection with this, according to the World Bank data, Dominican immigrants sent nearly up to six billion dollars ($ 6 billion) to their families in the Dominican Republic from the US. REFERENCES Duany, J. L. Dominicans in the United States:A socioeconomic profile, 2000. Itzigsohn, J. Villacrés, D. Migrant political transnationalism and the practice of democracy: Dominican external voting rights and Salvadoran home town associations. P. The United States' Action in the 1965 Dominican Crisis: Impact on World Order-Part I. Denv. LJ, 43, 439. Pantoja, A. Bridging the gap: transnational and ethnic organizations in the political incorporation of immigrants in the United States. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 31(6), 1056-1090.

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