Impacts of the Internet

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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Conversely, people can communicate with each other on a daily basis and spontaneously from the comfort of their homes as compared to decades ago when people used letters and telephones in public places such as towns to communicate (Angelova et. al, 406). The internet has not only simplified life but also increased knowledge through diverse educational tools. The internet has significantly improved education as it provides many tools that are efficient in information accessibility (Agarwal and Edward Day, 99). The primary objective of every business in the world is to make profit as well as expand. In today's world, the internet has contributed massively to the profit making aspect, as many products from countless organizations local and international are accessible through the internet. As a result, the internet has massively contributed to consumer satisfaction, which is an integral aspect for any business that wishes to remain in business or get a competitive advantage over its competitors (Agarwal and Edward Day, 108).

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Furthermore, the internet has resulted in consumers spending less time on undertakings such as shopping. Conversely, social media marketing has positively influenced many brands. The internet has changed the world into a global village because it has made communication easier. The internet of things has made chores and tasks easier. The internet of thing has resulted in countless smart home appliances that have in-built sensors. These devices can be controlled through an internet connection. Many people carry the internet in their pockets using smartphones (Angelova et. Moreover, in the medical world data is important. Today large data amounts are going into electronic health records hence pharmaceutical companies are using the data to develop more drugs that are effective. Additionally, through the internet genetic data is becoming more available which enables pharmaceutical companies to continuously improve drugs.

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Further, many elderly people are monitored by relatives and homes for the elderly to ensure their safety using devices that are controlled via the internet. Further, the internet has been used in disease diagnosis, which has resulted in the saving of many lives (Angelova et. Lack of privacy on the internet had resulted into cyber bullying which is a serious problem linked to the use of the internet (Angelova et. al, 407). Many people have experienced a form of cyber bullying which remains a constant source of worry and grief. In conclusion, the internet plays an integral role in the modern world as it influences every aspect of life such as healthcare, economics, communication, education, social life and domestic work. The internet has not only made communication easier through emails and smart phones but also improved healthcare using different healthcare applications and websites.

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Kiryakova, and L. Yordanova. THE GREAT IMPACT OF INTERNET OF THINGS ON BUSINESS. Trakia Journal of Sciences 15. Schivinski, Bruno, and Dariusz Dabrowski.

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