Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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The language skills are the sets of four competencies that give a person an opportunity to understand and produce spoken language for proper and operational interactive communication. These skills include listening, speaking, reading and writing. The focus of the research is the importance of speaking skill and the various ways that aid in improving the skill. The speaking ability is the productive skill because it requires individuals to utilize their vocal track together with their brains to appropriately initiate language through sound. It is considered one of the primary language skills, and therefore, it has numerous significances. The individuals are therefore obliged to look for the best approach to ensure that more students around the globe disseminate in spoken English. Interactive methods, therefore, have offered open chances for students to converse in English as a form of practice.

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Consequently, this information directly relates to the aims of this study, which is to enhance the speaking skills of English learners in particular. It is a fundamental doctrine to provide instructors with a method towards identifying the challenges that individuals undergo while attempting to devise the suitable ways of dealing with their flaws in communication. The teaching or language requires extensive research to maximize the efficiency of the teaching methods as a means of developing better learning skills. Description of the Context Learning a new language may seem to be a challenging task, but it is not difficult if you use the right methods. Although learning a written version of a language may be quite automatic, we also have to consider how students learn and practice new languages. Oral practice requires a lot of strategic management of teaching methods since different people from various ethnicities may encounter different problems in the pronunciation of various words.

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Therefore, to acquire the skills of a language it is necessary to practice doing activities such as holding debates and other interactive sessions. Young, 2014). Therefore, we suppose to look at the best approach to use to ensure that more students familiarize with spoken English. Interactive methods should give an open chance for students to converse in English as a form of practice. Also, it is necessary to provide the instructor with a method towards identifying the challenges that ESL students are undergoing in order to devise appropriate methods to tackle their flaws. Therefore, the English language teaching requires a lot of research to maximize the efficiency of the teaching methods as a means of developing better learning outcomes. English is of utmost importance especially because it is the national language in most countries.

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The goal for 2019 is to train a significant number of students and professionals who reach intermediate and high levels of English as a second language domain. Therefore in order to look for strategies and methods to motivate Virtual English Students not only to write but especially to speak and practice the Language as they study it, I will be working with my student towards this goal. My students are a floating population since the courses last for six weeks. The levels of the courses can vary likewise every six weeks and the students are people of fourteen years and older, who can be students, professionals, workers, housewives or people of any level of studies. Description of the Problem Language skills involve listening, reading, speaking and writing. It is of this notion that I undertake to research on the significance of speaking skills and in what way the skills can be improved.

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Research questions 1. How does the speaking skill help students at (name of school) to become successful in their studies? 2. What are the tasks students at (name of school) use to develop their speaking skills? 3. What are the influential factors that attribute to the weakness levels of students in speaking English at (name of school)? 4. It is for this reason that every party involved, and especially the teachers figure out a way or implement the already existing strategies to improve confident speaking among the students. Human beings are perceived as social beings who are in constant need of communication. Learners need to develop the confidence to speak to enable them to perform a majority of their basic transactions. Speaking is one of the skills through which they will be mostly judged. It is one which will either help them make or lose friends.

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Those who are not at the top of fluency ladder feel uncomfortable, stressed and ashamed of speaking. This is an experience likely to taint them whenever they think of learning the English language (Boonkit, 2010). Many learners have been identified to perform poorly in English classes but do quite well in environments where they feel safe. Additionally, when the students are ready to begin enjoying speaking or doing English tasks, their performances also get better. Teachers are therefore required to be more sensitive about the issue with learner anxiety and practice patience because these students may require more time and input before they can begin being productive in the use of language. The forum activity gives them an opportunity to engage in discussions that happen over an extended period of time, giving them a platform to exchange ideas and information.

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From this, they develop personal identity because, with time, the familiarize themselves with their own identity and other people’s personalities. Other than the E-learning activities, there are E-learning resources that students could use independently to promote their language proficiency because they acquire information from different sources. For example, the book module, file module, IMS content package, folder and label (Soliman, 2014). E-learning improves their language skills as they constantly practice listening, reading, writing and speaking through various E-learning tasks and resources. This because it focuses on language use and not learning the language and its grammatical rules (Miy & Diaz, 2016). Task-based learning has more advantages in regards to the designing of communicative activities and developing and improving oral skills. Task-based learning offers learners a chance to engage in interactions both inside and outside the classrooms.

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In this approach, both teachers and students engage in activities that involve meaningful contexts in which learners do not only use the language for grades or classroom work only but for their every day to day life. With this, they develop a set of discourse strategies, for example by introducing a topic, opening, and closing conversations. It began by conducting an initial reflection which was designed with the aim of finding the subjects' accomplishment in speaking skill. Immediately after finalizing the pre-test, post-test was done producing a mean reflection figure of 72. for cycle1 while 79. for cycle two. The results showed that role play could significantly improve speaking skills and this was shown by a positive change in attitudes and increase in student’s morale while learning speaking skills through the use of role play.

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Because teachers are more concerned about reading and writing skills, the students do not have the opportunity to learn how to speak English thus students are silent, lack confidence and develop a profound fear of making grammatical mistakes when speaking. It is, therefore, necessary to create initiatives that can improve the accuracy and fluency of students speaking English. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires and observations, and they were analyzed through the use of descriptive statistics. The findings of the analysis showed that oral communication skills improved in students that have a good learning environment. It also reflects that code-switching, peer, and self-error correction also enhances the speaking skills of different students. For an instant, students can obtain information from notice boards around the school; from the student online portals; through letters; and frequent gatherings such as assemblies.

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Research design: Research methodology 3. Participants: The participants in the study included 100 apprentices majoring in English language, two administrators, and 10 tutors of English language. Instruments of data collection: The research instruments that were used for collecting data for the research study included the use of interviews and questionnaires, as well as, classroom observation. The open and closed-ended questionnaires were given to 100 apprentices to provide answers to the research questions which included ‘How does the speaking skill help students at (name of school) to become successful in their studies? What are the tasks students at (name of school) use to develop their speaking skills? What are the influential factors that attribute to the weakness levels of students in speaking English at (name of school)? What strategies can students at (name of school) apply to overcome the weakness in speaking skills? And the appropriate measures used in improving the speaking skills among individuals around the world? The questions on the semi-structured interviews were used for collecting detailed information from tutors of English language to provide insights concerning factors that contribute to levels of weaknesses of the students, the strategies that the students can apply to overcome the weakness in speaking skills and the appropriate measures for improving their skills.

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Results or findings and description 4. Responses of the students to find out how they feel about English speaking in class and their level of spoken English Table1. Students’ responses on how they feel about English speaking in class and their level of spoken English No Item I hate using English in class I like using English in class I love using English in class 1 How much do you like using the English language to communicate in class 15 45 40 Very uncomfortable A little uncomfortable Very uncomfortable 2 How does speaking to the following people in English make you feel? Teacher Your classmate International students in your institution Foreigners you don't know 28 42 46 48 38 43 39 42 34 15 15 10 I am unable to communicate in English Basic level Intermediate High level 3 What level of spoken English are you? 13 45 27 15 spoken English level is lower spoken English level is the same as theirs spoken English level is higher 4 In comparison with other students on my spoken English 8 63 29 4.

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Students’ responses to find out what the instructor does in class Table 2: Students’ responses to find out what the instructor does in class No Item Speaks for too long Speaks too fast Uses hard vocabularies Is easy to understand Keeps repeating 1 When the instructor gives directions for an activity to be done, she… 17 16 19 24 24 Too little time Enough time Too much time 2 How much time is given to prepare for an activity 26 58 16 Keep interrupting me whenever I make a mistake Give me a written feedback Make me stop before I’m done with the speech to give me corrections Wait until I’m done with my speech 3 What is the best way for the instructor to correct your speaking mistakes? 17 39 34 10 Never Often Sometimes Very often 4 Do you participate in English Speaking activities in class? 10 21 33 36 Alone With a partner With a small group of less than five With a large group of at least 10 classmates As the whole class 5 I feel most comfortable when I do English speaking activities… 22 21 21 20 16 Yes No To some extent 5 Do you agree with the following statement? The teacher should give me more chances to speak English 48 16 36 From the tables 1 and 2 above, it can be deduced that a considerable number of students did not actively take part in speaking activities such as asking and answering of the questions, conducting debates, conversing with their partners, making long speeches, telling history, and expressing their opinion among others.

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They also do not take part in speaking practice when given opportunities by their tutors. of the students love ‘Show and Tell’ activity. It entails the students bringing objects to school to show and tell. They perceived it as an activity with a lot of fun as they usually bring in something they view to be meaningful to them or even that which interest them. It gives them more time to talk the objects. Besides, it also encourages the students to ask questions concerning the objects. It encompasses allowing them set goals for the activity and also providing them with some guideline may be inspirational to the student besides allowing them to run with it. Moreover, it also involves encouraging the students to personalize their work. of the students are motivated to engage in English speaking activities when the language is brought into the real world.

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It entails that confidence and ability to use that which has been learned within the classroom setting in real life situation with other speakers is viewed as a test that matters significantly. These students argue that when lessons are more practical, it serves them better in the future and they are likely to see more value in them. The second strategy involves the creation of physical spaces that are welcoming. The physical spaces, in this context, are the lobbies of school building that should not only affirm the cultures but also the languages of the institution’s EL communities. A map of the globe marking the nations that the foreign students come from inclusive of the signs that indicate the students are welcomed in the school in various languages of the foreign students, as well as, pictures and drawings of the flags of their nations may help in the creation of a friendly environment.

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The third strategy encompasses pronouncing the names of the newcomers correctly. An individual’s name is usually a vital component of his or her cultural and social identity. Reasons why the language they teach interest them 40% of the tutors interviewed illuminate that learning more concerning the language (English) which they teach interests them. They find it interesting to continue learning besides strengthening the language skill on a regular basis. of the tutors cite that they leverage meeting awesome and new students. They argue that teaching job can provide a person with the exposure particularly to plurality of individuals. It is rewarding since they meet a host of different personalities and characters. Ways through which teachers asses if the students comprehend what they are saying and some of the common issues native speakers have in learning English and solutions that the teachers have for these issues 70% of the tutors ask students to reflect, use open ended questions, use quizzes, and ask students to summarize as a way of assessing if the students understand what they are saying.

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on the other hand, use hand signals, response cards, one question quiz, analogy prompt, and practice frequency among others to assess the understanding of the students. of the tutors believe that the issues native speakers have in learning English include grammar, correct pronunciation, hesitation in speaking, and lack of vocabulary. The other 50% cite issues such as the comprehension of grammar structure and use of translation methods to understand new words. of the tutors illuminate that reading newspapers, listening to English channels, and speaking continuously can be the solution to such issues. The roles that the textbooks and other ancillary materials play 60% of the tutors comprehend that textbooks and ancillary material serve as the basis more so for the language input that the learner receive. of the other tutors explain that these materials can serve as the tools not only for supporting the tutors but also as instruments for alterations and medication.

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The knowledge that teachers have regarding the standards for English language learning 90% of the tutors view standards for English language as resources that provide a friendly overview concerning what the English language learners require to know besides update from the field. The other 10% refer to standards for English language learning as the EO, IFEP for students whose standard of the language is not native including their home language varying in form and structure from academic and standard English. Ways through which tutors create an environment conducive for language learning students 38% of the tutors illuminate that addressing the needs of the students and creation of the sense of order helps in the creation of a conducive environment for language learning. The comparison between the responses of the tutors and the students illustrates that they are sharing several common points which include less participation and lack of confidence.

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Analysis and interpretation of data The data retrieved from the interviews, questionnaires, and classroom observations were incorporated as follows: 4. Analysis of data concerning how students feel about English speaking in class and their level of spoken English The ESL and EFL students are do not feel as comfortable as the native speakers of English language to speak in class. Besides, there level of spoken language is averagely basic. Because of lack of exposure to the language their speaking skills are greatly affected. Teaching English language can also be interesting because of the better pay and opportunity to raise their standards of living. The tutors use different ways of interacting with their students such as interact with the learners through paying attention more so to the type of language the learners are capable of comprehending through the provision of an output that can be understood for the students’ level.

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They also have the responsibility of thinking concerning that which they are likely to tell the students. As a result, the speech of the tutor can be a resource for the students or learner. The other method involves identifying the techniques of speaking such as the use of intonation, tone, and the voice. Comprehending the dynamics of the conflict helps the administrator to incorporate the appropriate conflict resolution mechanism. Learning and educating staff about methods of avoiding conflict such as compromising by taking a middle ground, accommodation by tolerating the concerns of others, and collaboration through integration and problem solving can be used to resolve such conflicts. The administrators also have the role of ensuring the schools do away with unwanted vices such as bullying. Schools are required to put a lot of emphasis on prevention of behaviors such as buying others due to lack of English proficiency through not only fostering but also developing of a positive climate and culture in the school.

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Moreover, the school also has a wide approach to tackling and preventing bullying behavior. • The study illuminates that tutors use different ways of interacting with their students such as interact with the learners through paying attention more so to the type of language the learners are capable of comprehending through the provision of an output that can be understood for the students’ level. • The research study indicates that administrators of learning institutions play a vital role in resolving conflicts between teachers, teachers and learners and ensuring the schools do away with unwanted vices. Besides, they also incorporate various channels and techniques of communication are used in the institution depending on the issue at hand. For an instant, students can obtain information from notice boards around the school; from the student online portals; through letters; and frequent gatherings such as assemblies.

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Recommendations 1. References Alberts, J. K. Nakayama, T. K. Martin, J. Routledge. Boonkit, K. Enhancing the development of speaking skills for non-native speakers of English [Ebook]. Thailand. Retrieved from http://www. Scherer, S. September). Exploring feedback strategies to improve public speaking: an interactive virtual audience framework. In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (pp. ACM. Developing Oral Skills through Communicative and Interactive Tasks [Ebook]. Columbia. Herrera Díaz, L. González Miy, D. Developing the Oral Skill in Online English Courses Framed by the Community of Inquiry. Retrieved from http://www. sciencedirect. com Kautz, T. Heckman, J. J. D. The Role of a Stage Manager: The Importance of Communication, Respect, and Trust within Production Work. Wagner, T. The global achievement gap: Why even our best schools don't teach the new survival skills our children need and what we can do about it.

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Basic Books. B (2013). The implementation of information gap activities to improve students’s speaking and reading skills. Exposure: Journal Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Sastra Inggris, 2 (1), 68. Doi:10. ejp. The effectiveness of Using Blackboard in Improving the English Listening and Speaking Skills of the Female Students at the University of Hail. Advances in Social Sciences Rsearch Journal, 3(12). Doi:10. assrj. Appendixes Instruments for data collection Questionnaires Apprentices Part one This part seeks to find out how you feel about English speaking in class How much do you like using the English language to communicate in class (select one answer only) • I hate using English in class • I like using English in class • I love using English in class How does speaking to the following people in English make you feel? Very uncomfortable A little uncomfortable Very comfortable The teacher Your classmates International students in your institution Foreigners you don't know Part two This section seeks to find out your level of spoken English What level of spoken English are you? • I am unable to communicate in English • Basic level • intermediate • High level In comparison with other students my… • …spoken English level is lower • …spoken English level is the same as theirs • … spoken English level is higher Part three This section seeks to find out what the instructor does in class When the instructor gives directions for an activity to be done, she… • Speaks for too long • Speaks too fast • Uses hard vocabularies • Is easy to understand • Keeps repeating How much time is given to prepare for an activity • Too little time • Enough time • Too much time What is the best way for the instructor to correct your speaking mistakes? • Keep interrupting me whenever I make a mistake • Give me a written feedback • Make me stop before I’m done with the speech to give me corrections • Wait until I’m done with my speech Part four This section seeks to find out what you do in class Do you participate in English Speaking activities in class? • Never • Often • Sometimes • Very often I feel most comfortable when I do English speaking activities… • Alone • With a partner • With a small group of less than five • With a large group of at least 10 classmates • As the whole class Do you agree with the following statement? The teacher should give me more chances to speak English • Yes • No • To some extent Part five This section seeks to find out ways of improving the English speaking class What types of English speaking activities do you like most and why? Please elaborate as much as possible What are examples of motivations you would want to motivate you to engage in more English speaking activities in class? Please elaborate as much as possible.

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What roles do the textbooks and other ancillary materials play? 10. Describe what knowledge you have regarding the standards for English language learning? 11. How do create an environment conducive for language learning students? 12. How do you ensure native speakers are not bullied for their mistakes in English? Diagnostic tests Choose a word that best suits each meaning. Write a number for the specific word next to the correct meaning (Vocabulary). origin a. A cut, a mark 3. scratch 4. load b. Where something started 5. control 6. scheme 1. abstract Limited 2. voluntary 3. finite Not forced 4. But my sister found them b. Although my sister found them 2. Many people mistake Anthony and me for siblings a. Since we look so much alike b. But we are not related 3. The youth rescued the abandoned kitten from the animal shelter.

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Prof Osiyo is my lecturer; he is a very intelligent person. Mike’s new radio which is second hand. Just as we closed and locked our front door. If Milan and Florence would stop talking, the baby could get some sleep. E-learning Dependent variables The dependent variable refers to the change that occurs once the implementation of independent variables has been done. These variables are subject to change following an experimental manipulation of the independents variable or variables. This refers to the presumed effect. The success of language learners is to be measured through the implementation of several strategies such as the use of e-learning and task-based activities. Therefore the success of the student's achievement in the English language is the dependent variable in this research. Confidentiality. All of the information collected will be confidential and will only be used for research purposes.

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This means that your identity will be anonymous, in other words, no one besides the researcher will know your name. Whenever data from this study are published, your name will not be used. The data will be stored on a computer, and only the researcher will have access to it. Your signature___________________________________ Date__________________________ Your signature below indicates that you have read the information in this document and have had a chance to ask any questions you have about the study. Your signature also indicates that you agree to allow your child to be in the study and have been told that you can change your mind and withdraw your consent to allow your child to participate at any time. You have been given a copy of this consent form. You have been told that by signing this consent form you are not giving up any of your legal rights.

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Name of Child (please print)    _____________________________________ __________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian of Participant Date   _____________________________________ __________________ Signature of Investigator  Date       CONSENT FORM (Participants) Project Name Improving Speaking Skill in English Introduction. All of the information collected will be confidential and will only be used for research purposes. This means that your identity will be anonymous, in other words, no one besides the researcher will know your name. Whenever data from this study are published, your name will not be used. The data will be stored on a computer, and only the researcher will have access to it. Your participation Participating in this study is strictly voluntary. Your child/student is/are being asked to participate in a research study. Before you give your consent for your child/student to volunteer, it is important that you read the following information and ask as many questions as necessary to be sure you understand what your child will be asked to do.

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Participation in this study is voluntary. Your choice of whether or not to allow your child to participate will not influence your future relations with the Institution. If you decide to allow your child/student to participate, you are free to withdraw your consent and to stop your child’s/students´ participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are allowed. If you have questions later about the research, you may contact Investigator´s statement I have fully explained this study to the student. I have discussed the activities and have answered all of the questions that the student asked. Signature of researcher______________________________________ Date _____________________ Your signature below indicates that you have read the information in this document and have had a chance to ask any questions you have about the study.

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Your signature also indicates that you agree to allow your child/student to be in the study and have been told that you can change your mind and withdraw your consent to allow your child/student to participate at any time. You have been given a copy of this consent form. Observation 2. The activities of week three are assigned where apprentices have requested: In a recording describe your neighborhood. Include the following information: the location of your house, places of interest, transportation options and interesting activities you can do there. Fifteen apprentices carry out the activity and comply strictly with the request. The feedback of the activity is done. The apprentices have been losing the fear of communicating orally, is a subject that excites them to allow themselves to expand a little more the story they do.

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Being a special moment or that brings a pleasant memory, they are encouraged to talk more. The tutor should encourage the trainees to work on the conversation part of the language so that they improve their skills to communicate orally. Oral sessions with questions and answers are a good way to keep the students from being immersed in learning the language. CORREGIDP_QUESTIONAIRE IMPROVING ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILL_A GUERRERO. Question and objectives need to focus on one aspect that you want to improve. Literature review (related studies in 2 pages, 4 references): Present 4 previous related studies explaining what these are about, the type of study, their objectives, teaching context, participants, and instruments used to gather data, methodologies and their findings. Don’t forget to enrich description of research procedures 8 APA formatting / English grammar and spelling / References Appendixes with data collection instruments form included.

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Watch for style and APA standards The final version of the survey and interview plan not included as appendixes FINAL SCORE 50 38.

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