Improving Hospital's HCAHPS Scores

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Computer Science

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Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyze HCAHPS Scores of my chosen Carolinas medical care and come up with the strategies in improving the HCAHPS Scores. HCAHPS Scores of Carolinas Medical Hospital HCAHPS is a known standardized survey that normally measures the patients on their experience in a hospital. All the results that are accessed from various hospitals are posted publicly where other hospitals can also view them. This effective tool allows the hospitals to report and make a comparison on their performances locally nationally as well as nationally (Manary et al 2015). On the latest conducted survey, below is the HCAHPS score of the Carolinas medical care in terms of the overall rating, communication, responsiveness of the staff, hospital environment, communication with the doctors, pain management, communication about the medicals, discharge information and finally the care transition.

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Care transition 56 53. Discharge Information 88 87. Pain management 71 70. Communication about Meds 63 64. Comparison between Carolinas Medical Care’s Score and Two Other Medical Care’s Score HCAHPS Dimensions Carolinas medical care % CHS Lincoln % CMS Mercy % Overall rating 72 79. Therefore, a strategic plan is required for an improvement to be recorded. Hospital’s Demographic Patient Population and Services The Carolina Medical care is a huge belief in the wide data and normally make use of the technology to provide services to patients. The hospital receives different unique patients. Therefore, the hospital makes use of the in-house warehousing data that divides the medical into the disease type, geographical and environmental categories. The main purpose of the hospital is to analyze these factors, to control the admission, make predictions and make appropriate hospitalizations (Follett & Cummings, 2016). While the ones with higher levels of educations are predictors of the good HTTPS scores.

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Socioeconomic Dynamics Most HCAHPS researches and surveys are supplied to hospitals between the time limit of 48 hours and appropriately six weeks and discharge and usually contains 27 questions which are according to their experience terms which include, nurse and doctor communication, overall rating of the hospital and the care transition. Most researchers conducted in the field has provided statistics that demographic behaviors of hospitals can affect a person’s perceived experience of a hospital. Various factors like education level and ethnicity have also been recorded to have a greater impact in terms of satisfaction rating. The finding of researches done on medical care has it that priories always differ in socioeconomic populations in terms of determining the overall value of the medical care (Herrin, 2018). Potential Cause of HCAHPS Scores One of the possible cause of low and average HCAHPS scores for Carolina's Medical Care is the lack of visible and rapid care data.

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This makes it difficult to capture what goes on with the care of the patient in a consistent, rapid and measurable trend. Consequently, actions to correct them becomes either slow or inadequate. For instance, reports based on paper might lag behind because of the long-time took between the collection of data on patient care and reporting for actions to be taken. During this whole time, patients might keep wondering why there are no reports from the medical care on how to control pain at home or any other relevant issues. Structure, Process, and Outcomes of Organizational Change as a Strategic Plan Organizational change should be deliberate and carefully planned. A hospital structure consists of the management at large, physicians, support staff and patients. In order to implement organizational change as a strategic plan, some steps have to be followed.

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The hospital should first develop a mission and conduct a critical analysis of the internal environment. What follows is critically analyzing the surrounding external environment. Lastly, evaluation and dissemination are done through the evaluation of change or practices of decision making. Skills for developing evidence-based practices by practitioners are best encouraged in a shared governance. This is because there is a creation of an environment that supports the autonomous making of decisions and promotes the critical thinking skills. In addition, the overall responsibility is maintained for nurturing both the local and national agenda (Bryson, 2018). Methods Used To Incorporate Concept of Shared Accountability among Patients, Medical Providers, Payers and Personnel To incorporate the concept of shared accountability, incentives should be provided to hospitals and patients. Insurance for patients is an example of an incentive that can be given to patients as they greatly benefit from this.

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Improving efficiency and cutting down coats encourages the concept of shared accountability. Methods Used To Incorporate Technology Trends within a Healthcare Technology developments in healthcare range from antibiotics and anesthetics to radiotherapy and imaging scanners made of magnetic resonance. New technologies can be incorporated using new treatments and drugs. This will ensure that the chronic and incurable disease that has long existed gets to be cured. Secondly, the existing data sources can also be used where and when possible in order to reduce resources and time needed for assessment of the organization. Testing validity and reliability of metrics in the concept interest is also another method that can be used. The fourth method involves weighing the benefits and costs of both the external and internal collection of data. This involves the staff in the improvement and discovering performance gaps.

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Engaging stakeholders in the process of assessment is also an effective method. There is a various function which is carried out by the stakeholders. These include. Brainstorming Ideas Stakeholders are the ones who are responsible for creating potential problems in the health organizations. Stakeholders are always known to come from different backgrounds therefore, they will look into things from different perspectives. This enables the organization to come up with various viewpoints and discuss them to make an effective running of the organization. Secondly, it is always very important to recognize the potential of each employee and the readiness of each. In Training the staff members it is always very significant to note that each and every employee has different efforts thus will enable easy allocation of tasks in a healthcare thus enhancing the effective performance of the medical care (Brauers & Podviezko, 2014).

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Timeline for Implementation of a Plan The strategic implementation process is basic steps that an organization follows to make a plan into action. Thus helping an organization to achieve its goals and the objectives. The implementation processes always vary from one organization to another. Stakeholders in a public health fall into three broad categories: those that are involved in operations program, those affected or served by the program and the intended users of the obtained results. To identify the stakeholders who matter the most, hospitals are advised to use the evaluation standards. In addition, including those affected and those participating in the program makes the evaluation process accurate and ethical. What matters the most to these stakeholders identifies them as the key stakeholders. Stakeholders are involved at all levels of the evaluation process.

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It seeks to increase the accountability of the donor to a decision maker, donor publics, and parliament. This is largely directed towards the external stakeholders and directed to the agency in question. Harnessing social media might also enhance the communication of evaluation results to the external. Moreover, evaluations should be involved in the efforts of developing wide results for agencies strategies of communication, more precisely in the process of audience mapping and messaging. Conclusion HCAHPS Scores is very important in determining the performance of a healthcare. Strategic planning for public and non-profit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley & Sons. Charles, G. Introduction. In Leadership Resilience (pp. G. Hines, S. HCAHPS Scores and Community Factors. American Journal of Medical Quality, 1062860618765977. Jiang, H. HCAHPS: a review and management strategy to improve hospital cleanliness and the importance of organizational culture in its sustainability (Doctoral dissertation, University of Pittsburgh).

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Experience officers. American Journal of Medical Quality, 30(5), 432-440. Manary, M. Staelin, R.

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