In what ways does art affect our daily lives

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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For instance, there are artworks for children, adults, elderly, males, and females. Arts have also been created for purposes like aesthetic value, cognitive development, psychological relief, and commercial needs. Therefore, it can be claimed that art affects the lives of everyone in society through different aspects as dictated by the needs of an individual. How Art Affect Our Daily Lives To start with, art helps in the therapeutic management of post-traumatic stress disorders (Perruzza and Kinsella 261). This strategy is often recommended by psychiatrists who encourage their patients to practice drawing, painting, colouring, and creation of sculptures. In practice, the most common forms of art therapy which are mostly applied to restore the motor aptitude of soldiers include; drawing, poetry, dance, sculpting, and painting (McNiff 61). The process utilizes different guidelines to engage soldiers to express their inner thoughts and discuss personal experiences.

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These visualizations promote cognitive responses thereby boosting mental health and motor aptitude among military personnel. Music restores the physical, mental, and emotional health of patients. As an art, music has been widely applied to facilitate the healing process of patients diagnosed with multiple psychological disorders (Warren 13). For instance, children who use crayons and paintbrushes tend to acquire fine motor controls hence improving their writing skills. Accordingly, arts improve the social development of children when they work together (Fox and Schirrmacher 39). During such instances, children learn how to interact, share materials, and maintain a safe environment. Arts also improve the cognitive development of children because they are trained to conceptualize issues, choose matching colours, and sketch figures which they have observed in the physical environment (Moore 19). On the other hand, emotional development in children is attained through a visual representation of experiences.

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For instance, students may get inspired by a poster to work hard and attain a good life in the future. Employees can also derive their motivation from a painting so that they might want to achieve success and even establish their own firms. From these illustrations, it is observed that art mainly creates positive impacts by inspiring and motivating an individual to pursue ideas which might have seemed impossible in the first instance. Art brings happiness and joy in all spheres of life. Just by looking at a piece of art or listening to smooth music, one is filled with happiness and joy (Lawrence 71). Successive generations are getting linked with the ancestors and forefathers through such pieces of art. Without art, it could have been impossible to understand the traditional lifestyles of a community because each generation would be detached from the previous one (Meyer 19).

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However, it has become easy to reflect on the cultural traditions, fashion, tools, religion, and lifestyle of the founding generations just by observing the pieces of art left behind. For most communities, traditional art is conserved in museums so that many people can conveniently access them. In such places, there are also professional experts who interpret and explain the symbols to visitors thereby creating that sense of attachment with older generations. The discussion revealed that art helps in the child development, inspiration, and motivation of individuals. Art is also perceived to improve the aesthetic value of the environment. Truly, art influence various people in society depending on personal needs. Interview Sentence Interviewer: Good morning Professor, I would like to engage you in an interview for my research Professor: Good morning too, go ahead.

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Interviewer: How does art impacts our daily lives? Professor: Arts help in the therapeutic management of post-traumatic stress disorders and also restoration of physical and mental health. Cengage Learning, 2014. Lawrence, Randee Lipson. Powerful feelings: Exploring the affective domain of informal and arts‐based learning. New directions for adult and continuing education 2008. McNiff, Shaun. British journal of occupational therapy 73. Smith, Ralph A. The sense of art: A study in aesthetic education. Routledge, 2014. Warren, Bernie, ed.

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