Information Technology Management Essay
Document Type:Essay
Subject Area:Technology
With these regards, IT management aims at generating value through the use of technology to have an alignment of technology and business strategies in place for the effective running of the entity. IT Portfolio Management Process for a Business The current business environment keeps on changing from time to time depending on the level of competition. With these regards, aligning or arranging information technology according to the changing goals of an organization is the primary focus for many IT managers. Despite all the efforts that IT managers implement to enhance the success of an organization, some other IT management measures contribute to the failure of a business entity. Similarly, several other factors that contribute to the failure of a business entity results in substantial investments in IT with the aim of increasing productivity and high productivity.
The competency criteria. The Competency Maturity Criteria requires IT departments to prove their value to the company. c. The Governance Maturity Criteria discusses how a firm may take risks, conflict resolutions, and the responsibilities of the IT department and this information is shared within the IT management department, stakeholders, as well as the service providers. Mainly, resource allocation and alignment with the business’ goals is done through this criteria. Five maturity levels are necessary for a high product building and services, and these are summarized in the CMMI model. The CMMI model was developed at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), and it was designed to be used by the U. S. Department of Defense and United States government contracts, particularly in those responsible with software development (CMMI Institute, 2013). However, with the increasing complexity in the business world, this model has got a lot of acceptance in business organizations because its use may help an organization in process improvement and other related projects and departments within an organization.
Quantitative managed behavior. This is a regulated and controlled behavior and process in which the introduction of the measuring of outcome versus standards is done. v. The optimizing behavior. This process behavior focuses on process improvement while using other models such as the six sigma model to identify performance measures that need improvement (Vizteams, 2013). Walmart adapted this technic by incorporating a higher level of governance in the administrator on how to govern and control a project to ensure that they deliver the required outcomes (Prakash, 2015). Business IT Alignment. These are IT alignments that accrue to the organization of business alignment is applied. Some of these benefits include reduced cost of operation, customer satisfaction, and reduced business risk (Prakash, 2015). Mostly, successful businesses ensure that there is excellent and effective communication in the organization.
With the continuous development of technology, the older systems are getting replaced by new systems that are quicker and cost-effective. This implies that technology may deliver positive results in supply if better and new policies are put in place. With the increased concern about environmental sustainability, the supply chain management has experienced several advancements which shows that there is a need for supply chain management to adopt environmentally flexible supply chain approaches with minimal impacts on the environment (Vizteams, 2013). The advancement in technology has offered several options for ecologically concerned organizations to use in their in their supply chain processes. In this area, different technologies are responsible for planning, making route changes, storage, and distribution, integrating real-time delivery, allocation of space, and tracking systems among other functions. The process of assessing risks is a continuous process rather than a onetime process.
It requires an organization to do a constant risk assessment and monitoring to ensure that they respond within the required timeframe. Conclusion With the changing business environment and information technology, businesses should evaluate the changing trends and identify how the change in technology is likely to affect the firms’ future productivity and sustainability. With these regards, these businesses will be aware of the risks associated with technological advancements and develop strategies which may cushion the companies against such risks, and this can only be done if organizations embrace technology within their operations. References Chandra, P. com. library. capella. edu/docview/1261427365?accountid=27965 http://www. cioupdate. Retrieved from http://www. isaca. org/COBIT/Pages/default. aspx. ITIL. pdf. Accessed on June 30, 2018]. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Retrieved from http://www. nist. S. Guide for conducting risk assessments (No.
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