Innovative Delivery Mechanism Essay
Document Type:Thesis
Subject Area:Computer Science
Some organizations do not also value remote areas to give them return for their money when they do invest in these areas because the investment is uncertain regarding the impact the internet connectivity will make in short and long run. There has also been a stereotype regarding the adoption of this technological advancement from both government agencies as well as public regarding security and privacy interference the technology is pupated poised to bring if fully adopted (Alexis, 2012). However, there have been more optimistic factors and advantages that this new technology could bring to the public and business people as well as different stakeholders if well adopted and understood. This paper will make an analysis on the impact this new technology could have and why these companies need to make the public understand the benefits of the same for a brighter future especially in the remote areas that remain unconnected to the internet.
Innovative Delivery Mechanism Introduction It is estimated that there are more than 4 billion potential internet users who are not connected to the internet globally (Wagstaff, 2014). Therefore, it is vital to analyze what has been used before deliverable mechanisms on the internet, why technology and companies are changing to deliverable mechanisms and the impact that would be created in the field. Emerging Trends There has been a problem in predicting natural disasters as a result of lack of a proper internet connection in the sea and oceans. Disasters like tsunami could have been avoided if there was sufficient internet access in seas and oceans (Wagstaff, 2014). Monitoring of oil and gas has also been difficult as well as identification of the minerals in oceans and other areas that are not covered by the mobile towers.
All these factors are happening because there is no proper connection of internet in these areas that can enable people to make research on the same. It is estimated that a powered drone could take up to five years traveling nonstop, an aspect that could prove to be self-sufficient for the same. The use of solar-powered drones and balloons is also supported by the fact that there are fewer disturbances in the air as compared to connectivity in the physical ground (Wagstaff, 2014). The fact also that more people have acquired smartphones makes it easier for the companies to use this platform so that they can be able to reach a huge platform. Another reason why companies should switch to the use of the solar-powered aircraft drones in the poor areas is that of the need of the business people and companies for the high-speed internet.
The use of the drones and balloons would increase the concentration and the speed of the tasks that are performed by the people in their business areas. Therefore, looking at the facts above, it is important for the business people to ensure that they are in a position to determine to price in their businesses by setting standards in quality service provision and product sales. The Internet has become a necessity in education, and it is becoming hard for many schools and tutors to work without it. As demand skyrockets, it is becoming essential for the companies that are offering internet to resist the urge of connecting remote areas as there is too much potential for the business from an educationist perspective (Anderson, 2015). More users mean that the companies are going to make more profits from the same users through advertisements and other marketing platforms.
It is through these sort of demand that are pushing companies like Google and Facebook to come up with wireless and solar powered gadgets to access remote areas. Most of the regions that are not connected to the internet are from Africa, and it would be important for the companies to ensure that they do connect every household to the internet an aspect that would not just have an economic but also a positive social impact to the country. Economically, getting everyone connected to the internet would boost the access to the information an aspect that is vital for business people. Business and other small organizations in remote areas will be able to get information about products and their consumer preferences. This will consequentially do give them an edge over their counterparts that do have accessibility to the information.
As a result, they will be able to make more profits given that they know what their customers want and how they do want the same. Construction of the towers and use of hardware would immensely minimize the pollution and the space that is taken by the same (Anderson, 2015). The fact that some of the drones and balloons are self-sufficient by using solar energy means those companies will not be emitting a lot of pollutant gases into the atmosphere during production and connection of the same. The physical space that would also be consumed in installing hardware and other infrastructure as drones and balloons are available in the sky and the space left can be utilized by other stakeholders for other businesses (Calo, 2017). Most of the mobile connectivity towers are always connected to electricity and in most cases consume a lot of energy, the fact that there will be an increase in demand for the people who want to consume internet and they will not have to worry about power will be an advantage for them.
High-speed internet and accessibility also ensures that the number of the users increases an aspect that helps create a huge market for the products of different companies. It is now common for people to intermarry and have relationships despite their different racial and cultural diversities which as a result do increase peace and prosperity between different communities (Taylor, 2016). Innovation has also been one of the fundamental impacts that could be brought by a faster internet as a result of the connection of every population in the world (Taylor, 2016). Availability of internet enables research and scientific innovation as software developers can come up with different applications to tackle day to day problems. There are different tasks that have been enabled as a result of connection internet among urban centers a trend that could be taken to the rural areas as well as poor countries when they adopt the online platform.
Development of online business tools has been one of the best things that have come with faster internet connectivity in the urban centers a thing that could enable not just creation of employment for the people in remote areas but also lead to making business easier. Authentication of the information that the drone that is flying is one that is supposed to increase the speed of internet or is a foreign military spy for another country makes some government officials question the installation of the same in their countries. Another concern that has affected the implementation of the innovative delivery mechanisms is the issue of individual privacy. Some people believe that with a closer monitoring and surveillance of the drones and proposed balloons in the air closer to them, it would compromise their private lives and information (Taylor, 2016).
The videos and audio recorders paired on the drones increase the accuracy and amount of information they can record in a particular area, and this means that malicious issues and some private information might be leaked to the people who are managing the drones. In the past, it was almost impossible for a person to detect what someone buys and reads without hiring a private detective, however, increase in the accessibility and availability of the drones in every part of the world would make it almost perfect for the government and other relevant organizations to get this sort of information within a short time. To ensure that the world reaches a majority of the regions in the remote areas, it would be vital for the world to go wireless as this is becoming a norm for other business practitioners.
The trend has been set as it has been observed by Google efforts to buy Titan Aerospace which is a maker of drones to help it ensure that it reaches a huge internet connection in the world. Facebook is also on the frontline in ensuring that it does go wireless as it has also bought a UK based drone firm known as Ascenta which specializes in making drones and satellites. It is also important to note that more than two-thirds of the world is covered by water and it would be impractical for cellular network to be physically installed in those particular regions (Taylor, 2016). Conclusion Emerging trends in business, communication, and pollution have made it necessary for the world to adopt a wireless technology which will be able to connect almost everyone to the internet.
com Anderson, M (2015). How aerial tech is bringing the internet to everyone, everywhere. www. airspace. com Calo, R (2017). Facebook's three-point plan to get four billion more people online. MIT Technology Review. www. technologyreview. com Wagstaff, J (2014).
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