Intellectual disability and development disorder

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Psychology

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On the other hand, the DSM diagnosis of intellectual disability involves a diagnosis of intellectual retardation while relying on intelligence quotation (IQ) test. DSM diagnosis of intellectual disorder mainly emphasizes adaptive functioning which are intellectual abilities in daily lives. The diagnosis method involves an understanding of time and money and the ability to interpret social cues and attend to personal needs like eating and dressing. Advantages and disadvantages of DSM diagnosis of the intellectual disorder Advantages Enables standardization of diagnosis Enables shorthand communication which mainly allows quick referral of the symptoms Enhances etiology which involves an understanding of a diagnosis which aids research into underlying causes DSM is usually specific to certain disorder thus being considered a reliable diagnosis that can lead to a certain type of therapy. Disadvantages The diagnosis criteria often reflect a particular cultural time.

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The diagnostic overshadowing is of major concern as the clinicians tend to miss anxiety, depression, and psychotic symptoms in children with the intellectual disorder. The major concern is that some mental health professionals lack better understanding and experience in the assessment and treatment of mental disorders. In other cases, health care professions and psychiatrists may attribute comorbid problems to individuals with low intelligence or problem with adaptive functioning. This problem can be reduced or managed by ensuring competence in health care professions who are dealing with patients with intellectual disorders and paying attention of physical, mental and psychological disorder in order to determine the existence of comorbid disorders. If an intellectual disorder is identified at an early stage, it becomes easy to manage thus preventing mental or intellectual complications especially during the adolescent stage of a child.

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If an intellectual disorder is identified at an early stage, it becomes easy to manage thus preventing mental or intellectual complications especially during the adolescent stage of a child. Any abnormal behavior of a child with the intellectual disorder should be reported to a psychiatric to enable control and prevention of development of intellectual or comorbid abnormalities. While bringing up children with intellectual disability, the transitional period during the adolescent stage is mainly challenging and develops a lot of concerns. The transition time comes with various opportunities such as reflecting and being proud of their achievements and being hopeful of the future. Most of these children with disabilities tend to leave their homes earlier in life to attend specialist care units for intellectual disability children. The findings that children with different types of organic intellectual disability indicate characteristic patterns of cognitive abilities is important.

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The identification of cognitive and behavioral characteristics associated with each known cause of intellectual disability by the scientists provides information relevant to be used to plan education for children with this disorder and improve their adaptive functioning. Studying of children with different forms of intellectual disorder in different groups improves the researcher’s understanding of the strength and weaknesses associated with each form of the disorder. A good example is when some researchers study the ability of children with Down syndrome while others focus on the strength and weaknesses of children with fragile. Information received from the study on the behavior characteristics of children with organic intellectual disorder determines the ability or likelihood of the studied children to develop certain developmental characteristics or aspects like height. They are less likely to develop the psychiatric disorder as compared to children with the intelligent disorder.

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These should work as strongholds for their tutors to assist them in improving their educational performance and develop a positive attitude toward education. The teacher should, however, take caution with these children with Down syndrome as they may develop emotional and behavior problems and complications as a result of social isolation or increased recognition of their impairment which may affect their education. Teachers are therefore mandated to monitor behavior changes and development in children with Down syndrome to ensure that they can easily capitalize on their academic strength and demean their intellectual inabilities. Mainstreaming involves placing children with intellectual disability in a classroom alongside typically developing peers to the maximum extent possible. It involves educational practices that create instructional materials and activities allowing learning goals to be achievable by all children regardless of their intellectual condition.

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A good example of universal design is in accommodation of people with physical disabilities. Many sidewalks have developed “curb cuts” or sidewalk ramps that allow people using wheelchairs to cross the streets more easily. In the same way, buses are built with low floors instead of steep steps to allow people with the orthopedic problem easily access. This is to enable the basses to be used by all people including those with physical disabilities without strain. Due to the banging of the head, Johanna developed bruises on her forehead as the girls’ behavior outcomes. The nanoversive interventions failed in controlling the girl’s behavior of banging her head. The involved therapists with the consultation of the parent decided to employ punishment mechanism to help in reducing the SBI of the girl.

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The employed punisher was the application of brief electric shock administered by a device attached to the leg of Johanna. The involved therapist would have administered the shock remotely with the use of a handheld activator. An example of differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior as provided in this chapter is when a child is engaged in a flapping or skin picking or even holding onto a special toy. In such a case, a child cannot flap his hand and keep them in the pocket at the same time and therefore the hand flapping decreases. On the other hand, a good example of differential reinforcement of zero behavior is when a therapist gives a child a small piece of candy in every 30 seconds. The child would therefore not engage in hand flapping or skin picking.

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This concept is very essential in influencing behavior change of a child as the child is positively reinforced by the therapist.

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