Internet for Communication Essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Technology

Document 1

Notably, the two companies have been able to make billions of dollars from the internet services they offer to the people all over the world. Indeed, such platforms have been in the significant mainstreams of communication where people can access information from across the globe as well as connection with one another very quickly from wherever they are located1. The Rise of the Internet Before the wave of the internet made deep roots into the world, most people used to communicate via email or pop-up adds on the Yahoo platforms. However, the rise of Search platform, a creation of Google made communication and conveying of information easier. The search engine allows people from anywhere to enter the information they are looking for and then it gives the output from all available sources2.

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A company like Apple has been developing portable devices to allow people to communicate directly from within their reach. Many people nowadays are in possession of a cell phone where they network with other people with the availability of data. The devices are built with capabilities of recording, music, cameras where videos can be taken and shared with the whole world. Also, applications like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Snapchat can be installed in the cell phones facilitating communication and information close to the users. Basic Building Blocks of Networking Networking is enhanced by many components usually referred to as Building Blocks. The wiring helps in determining the networks that require adjusting or development. Another building block is the Network Software. The software is developed to perform a specific function within the system such as communication.

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The conventions could be in the form of IP, TCP, and UDP to carry out different roles5. How Networking Works Networking is the platform where people can meet different people with common interests. It is created when there is excess data on the system causing it to spread into near storages which may allow unauthorized people to access the information. Second, the insecurities in the cryptographic room which is enhanced when critical data is not preserved securely from users within. Users with ill motive are likely to take this chance for their selfish gains. Moreover, most software applications are prone to flaws when intruders inject CRLF characters into an HTTP streaming which may result in carriage return and line feed which may interfere with the data flow.

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The web browsers software application often encounters unwanted access due to lack of restrictions on the URL access. Over time, people have worked on developing the measures, and the right thing to do to ensure efficient security. The countermeasures include: • The PCs should often be scanned to get rid of all the harmful infectious programs that may be present in the device. • Safe programs should keep running in PCs while those that may be questionable like Trojan program should never be allowed to run instead they should get deleted. The approach is successful if the user’s administration capabilities get limited to certain rights while on the network servers. • The security patches on all the programs must get occasionally upgraded to develop new designs.

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