Is the society too dependent on technology

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:English

Document 1

This is very true since several articles have been written as well as surveys having been conducted to access how the society is too independent on technology. To summarize the introduction, many cases will be discussed showing how the drawbacks of the modern technology contradicts the rewards yet people continue to overly use it in their daily bases. This paper tries to look keenly at how technology has influenced the lives of people and how much generations have grown to overly depend on it. Since modern technology has its demerits, people continue to use it in their daily operations. From the moment the alarm sound clock wakes up in the a. It is true that large percentage cannot tour city on their own since they recognize goggle maps than their ability to master landmarks.

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Big number has gone to an extent of using phones to master spelling. In the society, many have reached to level of not trusting their brains (Ahn et al 1238). Phone users do not struggle to master difficult words since they overly depend on autocorrect and spelling checker. Nowadays, people have considering writing on paper as something hard to them which is not the case. This is confirmed when teenager lost his or her phone, he/she gets psychologically stressed. To continue with the contradicting side of the modern technology, the creation of different transportation means and devices like cars, buses and aircrafts was originally meant to make transport of goods and people easier but it is seems that people have over time become overly dependent on these devices.

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These devices have made people lazier as time goes by to an extent that walking is no longer a common practice like it used to be. The many vehicles that have been purchased have gone to an extent of causing congestion and traffic in cities and towns. The people who are able bodied have gone ahead to start using cars even to move distances that would take them minutes. Parents have been reported to concentrate on getting camera to work whenever they go to see performance of their children (Crowley et al, 29). Instead of using letters and written sources the society has turned to videos and voice recordings for getting information as well as the fact that cell phones are seen to have become so common.

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Technology has digitalized the world and made the word behave like a global village. It has made it possible to receive information from various parts of the world (Barber &Benjamin 574). As far as this was concerned, internet served as a core factor within which Smartphone have enabled browsing of the information (Barber &Benjamin 575). GPRS has also served as slot in cell phones that promotes socialization of individuals through face books, twitters, LinkedIn, whatsapps and other social sites. It has also served as an important tool in marketing goods for certain business enterprises. In addition, technology has completely transformed the world as people are highly depending on it. Basically, technology has enhanced living and survival of individuals in societies. Chanie argued that connection of all points were done in regard to the over reliance on knowledge and technology as well.

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