Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Essay
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Politics
The new outfit had various objectives, but the main goal was to bomb numerous tourist sites in Jordan in 1999. In 2004, Zargawi declared that he was loyal to the al-Qaeda and established the Iraq al-Qaeda with the vision of bombing various places in the world including Jordan and Shia. Essentially, the Islamic State (IS) was formed from al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) when the multilateral invasion by the U. S. in Iraq was intensified (Tucker, 2014). Essentially, ISIS has at its disposal, modern technology as well as a properly grounded public relations and advocacy establishments. Most of the information is conveyed through social media platforms as do the organization’s progress and plans. The center of ISIS leadership is the Caliph, a position that is responsible for the general operations of the organization and is held by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
The Caliph gives orders to other junior leaders concerning the operations of the organization, and his decision is final (Front Line, 2018). Moreover, the Caliph is assisted in top management by the Shura and Sharia councils. Moreover, the organization mainly has its central operation bases located in Iraq and Syria. Starting as Islamic State under the leadership of the al-Qaeda, the organization first identified its base in Iraq then later spread to Syria in a bid to cover more ground and increase its influence. Lately, ISIS has expanded its operations to the entire world with strikes in several European countries, and the U. S. Other regions that have been the primary target of ISIS are the Middle East and North American countries. military. One of the training methods used by ISIS is the sharia training program that varies among recruited new members.
The difference is mainly reliant on the organization’s assessment of the person’s loyalty. Consequently, recruits are often presented with training that often takes between two weeks to one year (Hassan, 2015). While inside the camps, recruits are subjected to political, military and sharia orientation, which is offered by around five instructors. The organization also has varied types of armor such as those with Russian, U. S. and Chinese origins. The armors include T-72 tanks, AK-47 rifles, M198 Howitzer, T-55 tanks, DSHK-1938 machine gun and other dangerous armaments. The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (2014) contend that most of the weapons used by ISIS were looted from the armies of Iraq and Syria. For instance, the organization has a Twitter account where it receives and conveys information and updates concerning their strikes.
Further, the group’s propaganda machine endeavors to show that the organization has successfully filled the gap created in government. The Mosul based center for information and communication conveyed videos online showing that daily life and trading activities are going on as usual without any interference. Additionally, its information bureau that is situated in Kirkuk province circulated images showing ISIS personnel taking part in street cleaning and renovation exercise as well as taking part in other maintenance tasks on irrigation channels and electric wires. Nevertheless, the images and videos are major propaganda that does not reflect the actual situation in the ISIS-controlled regions. The techniques include improvised fighting vehicles coating with aluminum foil to prevent damage from the extreme temperatures. Moreover, ISIS also uses strategically positioned suicide forces, who normally wait for the target from a hideout.
In addition, ISIS mainly use significant events to plan attacks. Such events can include campaign rallies, the Fifa World Cup, and other important occasions. Thus, ISIS is a powerful terrorist organization that originated from the al Qaeda in 2013 when it expanded to Syria. The group mainly employs a multi-faceted communication strategy. Communication is majorly through the internet, especially over social media platforms. Contents of the messages are often based on propaganda, which is aimed at crediting the operations of the group. Finally, the group has proven difficult to contain due to the sophisticated weapons at its disposal as well as the reliance on quality intelligence and surveillance information. References Cancian, M. org/isis-leadership/ Hassan, H. The Secret World of ISIS Training Camps – Ruled By Sacred Texts and the Sword. The Guardian.
Retrieved from: https://www. theguardian. SZENES, Z. The Rise of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Defense against Terrorism Review, 14(4), 363-378. Retrieved from: https://www. uni-nke. Retrieved from: https://eurasiacenter. org/publications/ISIS_Briefing_Colin_Tucker. pdf.
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