Isolationism in the secret life of walter mitty analysis

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:English

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However, it is important to consider that isolationism is not always the best solution because sometimes, public opinion might be the ultimate truth. Now, in a story called “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,” there is a narration about a character who alienates himself from the occurrences of the real-world and instead indulges in daydreams. This story was written by James Thurber and the fictional character discussed in the content is called Walter Mitty. There are at least five occasions where Walter Mitty involved in daydreams hence separating from the real world. In the first instance, he thought of himself being the pilot of a U. Being a reputable pilot of a U. S Navy flying boat, magnificent surgeon, a deadly assassin, a suicide bomber, and a Royal Airforce Pilot all at the same time is not a simple achievement.

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The main characters in this book are Walter Mitty and his wife Mrs. Mitty. Walter Mitty is described as someone who is not so special in real life. The theme of isolationism is the main discussion in this report. Isolationism is depicted in the entire book because Walter Mitty could not stop his imaginations. In the first scenario, Walter Mitty thinks of himself as an experienced pilot of a U. S Navy flying boat caught in the middle of a storm (Thurber 11). The character is engaged in analytical discussions in his mind as he tries to figure out the best way through which he can move his passengers to safety. In another instance, the theme of isolation is depicted where Walter Mitty is demonstrating his heroics and masculinity by volunteering to operate a Royal Airforce plane.

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The character imagines of himself being in a situation where bravery is required to coordinate the movement a warplane. He volunteers and promises that he can actually manage the operations. All this time, Walter Mitty is isolated from the real world and he cannot conceptualize whatever his wife is explaining to him. That is why his wife accuses him of being forgetful and careless. In the book called ‘The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’, the author emphasizes that Mitty was living a secluded lifestyle because he could only keep these thoughts to himself. Walter Mitty could not discuss his experiences with anyone despite their closeness. That is why he keeps on thinking of himself being in various positions but he fails to explain to his wife who later assumes that her husband has a mental illness.

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The secrecy of Walter Mitty was overly protected to the extent that he appeared to be living in two distinct worlds. He was not even concerned with the conventional lifestyle being enjoyed by everyone because his thoughts were deeply rooted in the hypothetical world (Glausiusz 27). He is also tasked with a delicate duty of being a lethal suicide bomber. As such, the thoughts of perfecting each of these situations and emerging victorious have engulfed the life of Walter Mitty thereby isolating him from society. From the discussion, it can be concluded that isolationism has been applied significantly in the book. Throughout the story, the author narrates how Walter Mitty is daydreaming and that his mind is full of thoughts depicting his bravery and heroics.

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