Johann Sebastian Bach Research
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Music
He was born in a family which had a lineage of musicians for instance; his grandfather who was known as Veit Bach who was a miller. He was taught on how to play violin by his father. Sebastian’s father had been playing violin in court since he was the court trumpeter. This made him to be a best violin instrumentalist. Sebastian’s father died when Sebastian was under 10 years. At this education level he was taught about Latin and also guided on his religion which later helped him in his musical career. When Sebastian’s father died, he was taken by his brother Johann Christoph who gave him some further musical education and instruction. He later enrolled his younger brother in a local school. Sebastian lived with his brother until the time he was around fifteen years old.
Sebastian’s wonderful soprano made him secure a place at a school which was located in Luneburg3. This was commonly happened when he declined to rehearsal and do daily teachings with his students. This behavior also made him to collide with the church officials who were his employees at that moment. Sebastian did not do any efforts to stop this irritating behavior. Sebastian went on being more arrogant. This made him to disappear in 1705 where he got a leave from the church but this gave him some opportunity to disappear for some months. He got more determined and composed other Cantata such as the “herz und mund und tat,” and also the famous “mouth and deed”. One of his cantata section which became more famous known as the “jesu, joy of man’s desiring” in English.
Sebastian got a position in Cothen from prince Leopold which he was really willing to move but the Duke who was his employer at the court was not willing to release him. As a result of this, he imprisoned for some weeks. This prevented him from moving to the new position he had secured in Cothen. Later on, in that year, the prince got married and now his wife discouraged him from his passion to music. By this time, Sebastian was concluding his first book by name “the well-tempered clavier”. In this book he put more measures on how he would help the students understand the book better. Sebastian had to look on other ways which could help him earn his living hence the prince had sucked11. Sebastian later got a position as an organist and a teacher in Leipzig at the St Thomas church.
He even travelled and performed in various occasions. In 1747 he visited and performed to King Fredrick of Prussia. As he performed to the king, he made another new composition. Later on, in 1749, Sebastian composed a new music known as the “art of fugue,” which he did not make to complete it. He tried to have some surgery to enable him fix his problem but he was not able to do as it was somehow late. Notes 67, no. Dürr, Alfred. Johann Sebastian Bach. Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248 (1984). Geck, Martin.
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