Leadership Self Assessment
Document Type:Coursework
Subject Area:Management
The function of leadership is very essential in any group setting. For a particular organized group to efficiently achieve its purpose, it needs a leadership structure that provides the necessary direction, influence, and motivation required to attain these objectives. Nevertheless, it also required a sound leadership organization that keeps the group members in line with the policies of the group. Leadership is associated with the human aspects and characteristics. Some individuals are better leaders than others, such that they possess better leadership qualities than others. In the same way, I also have various leadership strengths that uniquely identify my leadership, as well as the weaknesses that may sideline my leadership abilities. Among the strengths that I have in regards to leadership is the possession of strong principles. This is a strength that can be explained by the use of the trait theory.
Under the trait theory which believes that leadership is an innate ability, there is strongly developed of values and principles that drive leadership (Landis et al. This principle is effective especially in upholding the ethical aspect of leadership. In regards to my weaknesses in leadership, I am self-focused or rather self-principled. This is in the sense that I focus more on the personal values and principles in which I believe in. This has proven to be problematic since, in leadership, one should have the ability and capacity to accommodate other people’s values, beliefs, and principles. More especially, in healthcare, various practitioners and even patients have specified values with which they’d prefer to receive care. My leadership objective is to develop the capacity to accommodate other people’s values and be a better and considerate leader.
Therefore, with these characteristics, I will have the ability to positively influence my followers to adopt change, not only because of the trust they have in me but also the respect that comes with it. They will believe and follower my persuasive education in regards to change. I am also principled. This characteristic will help me drive my followers towards change through sticking to the core objective of organization and our field of specialization. Being known as a strict follower of the organization's values and policies will create a perception in my followers that adopting change is a necessary thing, and that I will not be swayed by this objective. Ethics in healthcare also deal with other personality traits such as honesty, justice, compassion among other virtues. A good leader should learn to balance these traits in his leadership effectively.
There are four primary ethical principles of leadership in healthcare. These include beneficence which entails doing good, nonmaleficence which entails not harming the patients, autonomy whereby control is by the individual and justice (Harman & Cornelius, 2015). By using the transformational style of leadership where the aim is at developing the followers to their maximum abilities possible, I will impart these ethical principles not only through inspiration but also by being a role model and an enabler to adhering to these principles. With this character, employees from diverse cultural backgrounds and even beliefs will feel a warm welcome to engage with me. This will, therefore, help me coordinate these individuals through the appreciating of my character that they present. I will also include other aspects that as the inclusion of diverse cultures and background in recruitment drives to ensure that my team is diversified.
Research Skills Decision making in healthcare should be based on viable and valid evidence. These pieces of evidence that can be used to make such informed decisions will be obtained through research. Holloway, I. Galvin, K. Qualitative research in nursing and healthcare. John Wiley & Sons. Landis, E. Regan, S. Laschinger, H. K. Wong, C. A.
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