Literal analysis of the road not taken by robert frost

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

Document 1

External factors then contribute towards him making his mind. Robert Frost was responsible in wring this poem with the objective of highlighting on the related traits, poking fun towards his friend Edward Thomas. Edward is a crossbred of Wale and English and a poet whom upon walking with Frost would at last end up in regretting of not going with another path. Edward at later would develop a sigh of relief over they stood a chance of doing and Frost had the belief being much romantic. That is to say that friend of Frost was in regret of not following the road that had the opportunity of offering the deserved opportunities irrespective of it not being familiar. Similarly the other question that revolves is whether ‘every variation’ concerning Frost does not result into it being clear concerning what the difference stood for.

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Main Theme The main theme carried by the poem is the fact it is normally not possible in seeing where life change types of decision will end at last. Hence, an individual needs to arrive at his or her decision very faster with courage as well. Often it is considered very normal in wondering about the result that may have sufficed in any case an alternative road had not been followed or whether the choice of road was done. However in contemplating this aspect in a hypothetical manner, it then becomes not very easy in admitting that even if taking the other alternative road may prove to be good or worse; all one can admit is that it may end up being different. When making choices of what one never made.

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This create questions concerning the varied lifestyles one may have led in any case he or she had been involved in an aspect in a unique manner and also central towards the ‘The Road Not Taken’. The speaker resorts in a random manner for the other alternative road and landing on it, he makes a declaration of it being not contented because it is inhabited with grass plus also lack of many folks who are yet to down it. Anyway, he could on the other hand make a return at on time and make trials with the initial ‘road’ once more. The question that emerges then is whether this would have been possible. The Mood and Tone Despite this being very reflective, thoughtful type of poem, it seems the speaker is tied up between two minds.

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He finds himself in a turning point situation. The situation seems very clear; going by one path or the other, white or black or going ahead and doing it. However, life is never that very simple. We are all human beings and our process of thinking is often on the go seeking to ensure that things work out. The Literal Meaning On literal basis, the poem informs about a man who manages to reach a fork head available on the road and in a random manner resorts to choosing another instead of the other. Symbolism The road a alone serves as a symbol of the journey involved in life while the road’s image that forks through two paths serves as the symbol of the decision or choice. Concerning color, Frost gives the description of forest being inhabited with wood that are yellow in color.

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Yellow is regarded as middle color, an aspect existing between the uncertain and certain aspects in life. In this regard, it establishes the mood about indecisiveness that is main language of the poem.

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