Managing your Relationship with Data

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Nursing

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Research data management takes into considerations ethical issues, legal matters, governance frameworks and research technical capabilities (Cox, A. M. Pinfield, S. Such processes and guidelines will help the researchers in developing a relationship with data that will ensure scientific findings are added to the research literature. Data Collection After data collection, it will be important to determine the relationship between qualitative and quantitative data. As a researcher, you have to look for a facilitator of the focus group who will ensure that fresh ideas and interesting comments are explored during the group’s discussions. Before conducting a research, it is important to know the kind of information, on being sought, this will help in choosing an appropriate method of data collection. With the emergence of mixed method studies, data collection can utilize a concurrent collection of both the qualitative and quantitative data.

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Quantitative data collection might employ deductive logic while qualitative data can utilize exploratory logic. For time-consuming research, triangulation strategy can be used. For questionnaires, if paid enumerators are hired, they tend to administer them in a hurry and therefore it might be necessary to cross-check the data collected through the questionnaires to ensure that the enumerators did not fill the missing items in the questionnaire. Another strategy to ensure data accuracy in the data collection process is ensuring that biased results are avoided. This can be done by avoiding the “wildfire effect”. For instance, the issues may arise during an interview that can prevent other people from answering the questionnaires. The respondents may feel unpleasantly anxious if the questions asked to seem to intrude their privacy or make them threatened in some way.

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Paper recruitment fliers can be distributed to friends, family, and workmates or posted to social areas and organizations such as the church, social gatherings and so forth. Likewise, the electronic fliers should be posted to electronic platforms such as Facebook where your social contacts can see. However, the researchers should ensure that the role of social friends is reduced to distribution of fliers rather than coercing potential recruits to participate. Identify and Foster Collaboration with Community Gatekeepers When personnel and funds are insufficient, it is strategic to involve community gatekeepers in the recruitment process (Russell et al, 2008). Considering their status in the community which includes being respected and trusted among community members, it is an ideal strategy to ask for help from either formal or informal gatekeepers (Russell et al, 2008). Development of the list should be done early enough to cater for any adjustments that may be deemed fit by the researcher.

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The researchers should, therefore, consult with friends, colleagues from work and gatekeepers to help him identify potential platforms for locating their samples. Tor recruitment of persons by the researcher himself, high traffic places should be considered for example public libraries and community events. Social sites such as fraternities are also perfect sites where researchers can consider. Create Recruitment Materials that clearly states the Purpose of Research The recruitment fliers should be visually appealing. Electronic records allow researchers to efficiently and effectively access and compare data from similar projects. There are several electronic programs that enable the researcher to enter, store and audit the research data. The downside of electronic record keeping is the issue of security and it might be expensive for large projects to migrate paper records to electronic files.

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Data storage is a big concern in the whole data management process. Once data has been collected and recorded, it is necessary to properly store it. The lead researchers should determine which project staff are allowed to access and manage research data. If questionnaires were administered, they should be kept in a safe location away from public access. Also, encoded names should be used instead of the subjects’ real names to ensure anonymity and privacy. How can data be protected? Electronic data storage comes with challenges of theft and hacking. Many research projects involved human subjects’ data collection and maintenance that are confidential and may be a target to hackers. The advantage of using regression analysis is that while you may have only a single dependent variable and many independent variables, this analysis method can uncover several operations in your study that can be leveraged by identifying and exploring relationships between trends.

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Thematic analysis or content analysis helps the analyst to understand all themes that emerge in a qualitative data. Content analyses help to deal with data from questionnaires by examining content. Thematic analysis can be used to validate codes hence improving data integrity. Thematic analysis is widely inductive and is not based on pre-determined values. Research studies that use theory as its logical basis utilize theoretical framework while those that use the conceptual model as a logical basis utilize conceptual framework (Peplau, 1992). Most research studies have the backing of a theory and hence the researcher adds to the nursing literature (Lappin, S. Fox, C, 2015). by utilizing theoretical data that may have seemed to be unimportant initially may be explored and related to other data in the research in meaningful ways (Maxwell, 2012). When researchers fail to use theoretical frameworks they may fail to determine and evaluate theoretical grounded questions that can help limit the study findings.

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However, the crucial element is not the findings but how the researcher arrived at the findings; this depends on the choice of the research design. Glazer and Strauss (1967) said that although theory generation is the intent of a study, the process of doing it should be planned, design and comprehensively documented. If for example the Grounded Theory method is used as a research method the following practical considerations should be made. One of the practical considerations is the feasibility of the study. Substantive area of study, this is the area where the theory will be used and applied to. Reliability refers to how consistency in a study paper was achieved in analytical procedures while validity refers to the appropriateness and the correctness of the applicability of research methods and the level of accuracy in which the findings reflect the data.

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While the quantitative researchers apply statistical methods to ensure the reliability and validity of the findings, qualitative researchers need to employ certain strategies to ensure the trustworthiness of their study findings. Among those strategies are; being accountable to biases that are deemed “personal” which may have influenced the research findings (Morse et al, 2002), appreciating biases that may occur during sampling and ensuring that an ongoing in-depth reflection methods of data collection is done (Sandelowski, 1993), diligent and careful record keeping which will ensure consistency and transparency in data interpretation (Long & Johnson, 2000), establishing a comparison criteria which will seek to find differences and similarities for fair representation of perspectives (Slevin, D. P. Pinto, J. IRB process Influence on Data Since my study involved human subjects, the research study had to be approved by the IRB.

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The IRB process requires data confidentiality. The IRB process requires that the researcher protects the human subjects by not exposing them to risks. Therefore it was important for my study to maintain a high level of research integrity when it came to the relationship with my data. One of the areas that were affected by the IRB process was the conceptualization and design of studies. IRB process influenced the way data was being collected from my study. Data fabrication and falsification by my research team had to be discouraged. The IRB process requires compliance and that meant that the data collected, stored, analyzed and presented were the actual data collected for our research. But since our studies included visiting maternal mothers, the timeframes had to be strictly followed and also had to allow only for the specified number of participants.

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This increased data integrity and validity in the research study. References Aitken, L. Gallagher, R. Madronio, C. Principles of recruitment and retention in clinical trials.  International journal of nursing practice, 9(6), 338-346. Cox, A. M. Pinfield, S. Research data management and libraries: Current activities and future priorities.  Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 46(4), 299-316. The qualitative report, 8(4), 597-607. Gonzalez, L. M. Stein, G. L. Maxwell, J. A.  Qualitative research design: An interactive approach (Vol. Sage publications. Lincoln, Y. M. Barrett, M. Mayan, M. Olson, K. Spiers, J.  Study guide for the essentials of nursing research: appraising the evidence for nursing practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Rolfe, G. Validity, trustworthiness, and rigor: quality and the idea of qualitative research.  Journal of advanced nursing, 53(3), 304-310. Rigor or rigor mortis: the problem of rigor in qualitative research revisited.

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 ANS. Advances in nursing science, 16(2), 1-8. Slevin, D. P. Validation guidelines for IS positivist research.  Communications of the Association for Information systems, 13(1), 24. Strauss, A. Corbin, J. Discovery of grounded theory. S. Patent No. Washington, DC: U. S. Patent and Trademark Office.

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