Mapping out the strategy to meet goals
Document Type:Coursework
Subject Area:Education
They are in charge of the educational growth of children in a classroom as well as managing the equipment and resources for educating them (Field 865-866). There are different types elementary teachers. The first type is a pre-kindergarten/ kindergarten teacher whose role is to teach the basics of school to kids that is letter recognition, phonics learning, basic reading skills, social skills, and confidence, etc. This type of teacher has to help the children develop a passion for education, so they have to teach in a friendly way to encourage the kids to love school. The second type is first-grade teachers who are very important also because they are the building block in the early development. They also teach core learning subjects but to students who have matured. They need to be patient enough, have enough energy and should be created to enable them to deal with the students at this level.
Lastly, we have the fifth-grade teachers, who teach matured students and should be able to recognize students that need a lot of help and attention and help them out. They need to be firm and kind to the kids. Some of the skills I possess to make me eligible for this kind of a job include patience, strong interpersonal skills, an engaging personality, good communication skills, effective discipline skills, strong rapport with children, honesty and integrity. I have to understand there are those who are first learners, the slow learners, etc. I also learn to make plans. I have to plan my work well before going to the classes to teach the students. I could plan the night before to enable me to have a smooth work the next day in the classes.
It is better to have a well-defined plan before engaging the students to avoid confusion later in the classes. I have tried to build an elementary school teacher network. I currently have a linked in the account where I have linked with elementary school teachers. I also have an account on Facebook with a page of ‘How to deal with elementary kids. ’ I have explained the interests of the page, and it has been liked by several people (Field 865-866). The page is about my interest in the elementary school children and how one can be a great elementary school teacher. A network also helps to acquire a varied array of skills. The diverse network helps develop more complete, creative and unbiased views of issues. The article also talks about how to diagnose network.
You have to look at the network you currently have and analyze them. Look at those people who have an impact in your life. Somebody achieving their goals is something that feels good. When you achieve a goal or an objective, you feel like at least you have done something great in life. You feel you are worth. It is not easy to achieve a goal that you set. You always have to work so hard to achieve them. quot; Professional Development in Education 39. Pudelko, Beatrice et al. quot;Mapping As A Learning Strategy In Health Professions Education: A Critical Analysis. quot; Medical Education 46. Balaban, Richard, and Phyllis Rothschild.
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