Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Alderfers ERG Theory
Document Type:Coursework
Subject Area:Education
Motivated employees usually try hard and for a very long time to achieve organizational goals (Robbins, 2015). Different organizations motivate their employees various ways depending on the philosophy held by their managers. Managers who want to improve the productivity of the organization’s workforce will always struggle to ensure that employees feel that the work they are doing is very significant, believe that prudent work is rewarded through promotion, recognition or salary increment as well as ensure that the employees believe that they are treated fairly. Various researchers such as Abraham Maslow, Clayton Alderfers, McClelland, Edwin Locke, and Douglas McGregor among others have come up with theories to explain motivation. Some of the theories that they come up with were Maslow Hierarchy of Needs, ERG theory by Clayton Alderfers, Theory X and Theory Y, Cognitive Theory, Equity Theory among others.
This theory builds on some of the ideas which Abraham Maslow expressed in his theory of hierarchy of needs. Contrary to Maslow hierarchy of needs, Alderfer in his theory of Existence-Related-Growth reduces the number of needs into three categories. Existence needs is composed of Maslow physiological needs and belonging needs which are the needs required for human beings to exist. Relatedness needs comprises of Maslow belonging and esteemed needs, and finally Growth needs include safety and self-actualization needs categories as explain by Maslow. The grouping of needs in this manner make the movement from one category to another flexible as compared to Maslow hierarchy of needs theory. In contrast, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory suggests that the order of needs is universal. It assumes that all employees have the same needs hence organizations just need to single out those needs for them to motivate their workers As per Maslow’s theory, unfulfilled needs usually acts as primary motivators of behavior.
Also, in the course of fulfilling the needs, needs that fall at the lowest level of hierarchy are given more priority than those ones at the top of the hierarchy. Motivation of behavior only occurs when a set of requirements have been fulfilled and these set of requirements usually moves In a stepwise way beginning from the lowest level of the hierarchy to the highest level of the hierarchy though some steps can be jumped. The new level need only become a source motivated once the worker satisfies the lowest level of need of the hierarchy. Secondly, is that learning institutions has to the students safety is guaranteed. They can do this by employing enough security and putting enough safety precautions. It is often hard for learning to occur in an unsafe environment.
Teachers should ensure that students are not bullied (Hanson, 2015). The third step in applying Maslow’s is that teacher’s should encourage social affiliation among students. By knowing the needs, the organizations’ managers are able to come up with strategies to help their employees satisfy their needs hence motivate them. In addition, through better communication the management is able to know and understand the kinds of incentives needed by employees for high production (George, 1985). Motivating workers makes them feel as though they are part of the organization, encourage teamwork as well promoting workers attainment of organizations goals. Workers prefer working in an environment where they are welcome. Better communication is very essential in communicating organization’s goals to the employees and this allows each and every department of the organization to be on the same page.
L. Ivancevich, J. M. Donnelly Jr. J. com/role-communication-employee-motivation-11914. html on 26/3/2018. Locke, Edwin A. and Douglas Henne. Work motivation theories. Retrieved from https://classroom. synonym. com/apply-maslows-hierarchy-needs-education-7771899. html on 26/3/2018. “Alderfer’s ERG Theory & Student Motivation” Chapter 4. Strategic change. Oxford: Butterworth.
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