Medical Marijuana Research

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Nursing

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The most active ingredient of marijuana is delta tetrahydrocannibinol. This essay will discuss the use of medical marijuana in relation to pharmacology. Appropriate Use of Medical Marijuana Medical marijuana has many benefits as its known to treat numerous diseases which include glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, appetite loss, cancer, Crohn's disease , eating disorders such as anorexia , epilepsy, pain as well as mental health conditions such as schizophrenia and posttraumatic. In the United States, medical marijuana is legalized in some states while it is illegal in other states. According to Hoffmann & Weber, (2010) states where medical marijuana is legal one is given a "marijuana card" and put in a list that allows one to buy marijuana from authorized sellers referred to as dispensaries. Patient Safety Patient safety is the foundation of high-quality healthcare.

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Medical marijuana has generated attention in recent years. Many legal, ethical and societal controversies surround the use of medical marijuana. Many people have raised concerns regarding the safety, administration, dispensing, packaging, death as well as adverse health consequences (Koppel et al, 2014). Marijuana is the most universally grown, trafficked and abused illicit drug across the globe. The primary objective of treatment is to guarantee that a patient is healed or assists in the management of a medical condition. Conversely, pharmacologist should not administer marijuana to a patient unless specifically authorized by law or a physician in order to ensure patient safety is safeguarded. Cannabis should be kept out of reach of children, non registered individuals and minors. Additionally, the guidelines labelled on cannabis should be followed and stored in a cool dry place to ensure patient safety.

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Nevertheless, as earlier stated the use of medical marijuana has elicited controversies across the globe. Moreover, medical marijuana has been used to prolong the lives of cancer patients by hampering tumor growth in these patients. Evidently, marijuana is used in these societies to promote wellness in people suffering from these conditions. In these states all one requires is a marijuana card that allows cardholders to get marijuana from authorized sellers. Diseases such as cancer can cause excruciating pain preventing one from living a comfortable life, especially in the late stages. Medical marijuana is used on these individuals to help ease the pain. This means that these people can only acquire the drug illegally that would land them in jail or have to travel to a state that has legalized medical marijuana (Kesselheim & Avorn, 2012).

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Evidently, this shows inequity in regards to accessing medical marijuana as it affects not only the individuals who need it but also the families. In that, lack of access to medical marijuana could lead to death or shorten the life of a patient. Dealing with the loss of a loved one can be challenging for the family. Further, lack of access to medical marijuana could lead to undesired patient outcome, as they would not be able to live comfortable lives due to the pain caused by their different ailments. com. library. capella. edu Hoffmann, D. E. Brust, J. C. Fife, T. Bronstein, J. Youssof, S.

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