Money leads to Happiness Essay

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

Document 1

Thus, every human being needs money, which is why people exchange labor for money. Ideally, the level of skill a person has is directly proportional to the amount of money they make. Income ensures a person is secure financially and can be able to meet the basic needs such as health, shelter, clothing, and education. Research has shown that an increase in income increases the happiness level of a person, especially if they were suffering before they got a job (Mogilner and Norton). Reason being, money reduces their worry about how they will afford basic needs in life, and if they have dependents, they can meet their needs as well. In some cases, access means power- this is why the rich have more opportunities than the poor (Mogilner and Norton). Their children go to elite schools, and travel to the best destinations.

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When they get in trouble, the access is necessary because they can get away with any felony; due to good lawyers and access to judges. Lack of money means the opposite, and a person has to depend on the relationships they have with other people to get access. Relationships can disappoint because they are dependent on trust. Continued poor thoughts lead to stress, and in some occasions, it changes a person’s outlook in life completely. Some people become less productive because they cannot concentrate on the task at hand. Another way lack of money can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression is lack of proper diet and healthcare. Poor diets lack the necessary ingredients, and they are cheaper in the market (Mogilner and Norton). A person who does not have money cannot be faulted for purchasing cheap food, which lacks important micro and macro nuttiest necessary for normal brain and body function.

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The amount of money a person has is directly proportional to the amount of money they can give out, and the more money is given out, the bigger the impact. Human beings are social, and helping others is the humane thing to do; an inability to help is stressful and makes one feel less of a human. Especially, if one is always on the receiving end of charity- it makes one feel like a basket case. Therefore, one might know that they need charity, but they will not be happy about it. Therefore, everyone should have money to give out to the less fortunate, because it improves their living standards, and pulls them out of poverty (Dunn, Aknin and Norton). Lack of money will leave such a person with an option of going to the zoo, which is not as satisfying.

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Therefore, one should only splurge money into events that make him happy (Matz, Gladstone and Stillwell). Notably, such experiences serve as a break from an otherwise hectic lifestyle, and reduce pressure, as people come back relaxed and feeling refreshed. It makes people view life from a positive point of view, because even if their normal life is hard, at least they can get a break and experience the things they hold dear to their heart. Conclusion Conclusively, money is needed for people to be happy because it provides a means for people to get the best things and experiences in life. Happiness translates to productivity because people will be mentally prepared and motivated to perform their best. When it comes to spending, people should spend on what they are passionate about, and on other people, especially the less fortunate.

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The feeling of happiness is more significant when one sees the impact their have on others. Experiences mean something if they are related to what a person loves. Thus, instead of buying material possession, people should opt for experiences, because they last a lifetime, and no not leave someone with a feeling of inadequacy. How construals of money versus time impact consumer charitable giving.  Journal of Consumer Research 42. Matz, Sandra C. Joe J. Gladstone, and David Stillwell. Valuing time over money is associated with greater happiness.  Social Psychological and Personality Science 7.

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