Monitoring employee behaviour

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Technology

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This paper highlights the importance of monitoring online employee behavior as discussed. REASONS FOR MONITORING THE BEHAVIOUR OF EMPLOYEES Monitoring helps in Spotting Employees Violating Company Policies Not all employees in an organization strictly observe the set regulations. Large organizations, with many employees, may sometimes face the challenge of dishonest employees who occasionally may flaunt organizational rules. Sometimes, other employees may develop the false belief that they are above the law and nothing serious is likely to happen to them even if they disobeyed some rules. Monitoring helps to manage such employees who can easily be captured while breaking the organizational policies and enforce disciplinary actions against them. Monitoring, therefore, provides the employer the opportunity to see how employees perform their duties and take snapshots of the many instances when they do far more than what is expected of them.

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Monitoring online behavior improves Employee-Employer Relationships Monitoring online behavior provides the employer an opportunity to note down unwanted employee behavior which can be pointed out later and help in developing the relationship between the employees and the employer. WHAT ARE THE POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF NOT MONITORING SUCH BEHAVIOUR? Monitoring the online behavior of employees is most likely to expose those employees guilty of perennial errors, who eventually are likely to be fearful and clumsy since they become too anxious to commit mistakes. As a result, this can lower their performance standards and even drive them into resentment towards their managers. The working relationship between the employer and employees is likely to be starined especially if monitoring tools were subjected to non performing employees, who utilize their time on activities not related to their work.

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The monitoring process results in a lot of information about the employee being collected, yet the data may not be in correspondence to the standard of performance of the individual or nature of the job being done by the employee. Besides, there is no guaranteed security to the information about employees collected during the monitoring process, further exposing people to misuse for instance through fraudulent activities, terrorism and other economic crimes (Advantages of monitoring employees, 2019). Information disclosure to third parties remains an area of concern in monitoring employee behavior, as many organizations have fallen victim to releasing confidential information voluntarily or involuntarily to surveillance agencies, for instance in cases of disaster such as terrorism. Employee monitoring has thus remained contentious among some employers. Some employers have blamed employee monitoring for diminishing morale and poor attitude towards work, citing dissatisfaction, increasing turnover as a result of the self pressure and stress employees develop when they realize they are being monitored( Smith & Amick, 1989).

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Besides, the application Tanda provides the benefits of payroll flexibility and allows employers to choose the features and add-ons for their organizations through a quote-based pricing system. Kickidler is another software application used by employers to monitor their employee desktop activities and expose unwanted behavior that may pose security threat or go against the organizational policies. The pricing of the application depends on the intended usage and length of time the application would be used. On the lower side, buying a license for a single month would cost only $9. per package (Chang, 2019). I would recommend the Kickider software to any business owner seeking to monitor their employees. Apart from its affordability, the software helps employers to view the activities of employees on their desktops directly, taking account of hourly productivity levels.

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With the software, there is a guarantee that all the tasks performed by the employee remain on their respective desktops courtesy of a keylogger feature of the application. It thus becomes easier to manage employees by assessing those who need the motivation to improve their productivity, the ones who need rewards as well as possible strategies to help maintain high standards set by productive employees. References Anton, G. thebalancecareers. com/electronic-surveillance-of-employees-1919262 Mishra, J. M. Crampton, S. M. Electronic monitoring at the workplace: Implications for employee control and job stress. Job control and worker health, 275-290. Susloparov, D. Employee Monitoring: Weighing the Pros & Cons - Screenshot Monitor Blog. Retrieved from https://screenshotmonitor.

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