New Born Male Circumcision
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:English
The initiative identified different ways in which nursing programs integrate the competencies into nursing practice. The methods are Informatics, safety, Quality Improvement, evidence-based practice (EBP), team work and collaboration and patient centered care. This paper will evaluate the different ways in which newborn male circumcision should be conducted by the nursing professionals in a healthcare facility. Describe QSEN the SINGLE category chosen The QSEN category I have chosen is Patient Centered Care. Simply defined, patient centered care refers to the recognition that patients are the source of control and partner of the medical procedure being conducted on them. The other consideration that patient centered care approaches does is to look at ways in which it operates within the set legal and ethical standards. Different professionals have been responsible for the actions they took that went against the law.
As a professional body, the Nursing Board has set down an ethical guideline that ensures proper dealing with the professional practice (Pringle, 2014). The other aspect in the knowledge of patient centered care is in the empowerment of the patients and their families. In patient centered care, it is important for the professional to make it possible for the patient and the family to be safe in their hands. The nursing professionals should respect the boundaries set in therapeutic care. It is important for the reason that if a certain patient has certain concerns, then the nursing professional should look at ways in which they will honor the requirements of the patient. The attitudes of the nursing professional in dealing with patient centered care is important. The healthcare professional ensures that they condone with the patient and consider the kind of care they could have preferred were they to be in the patient’s situation.
In patient centered care, the individuals must make sure that they respect the needs and the desires of the patient (Svoboda & Van Howe, 2018). New born Male Circumcision The practice in this paper is newborn male circumcision. The practice of newborn male circumcision has been improving over the year. In Canada, the practice had been discouraged because of various reasons. With the consideration of the risk that the baby carries while growing however, there have been recommendations to continue with the practice without any disintegration. Simply defined new born male circumcision can be described as the surgical removal of the foreskin on a male child’s penis. Analgesia is the best in reducing the pain that new born circumcised boys go through. The reasoning behind newborn male circumcision is that the child continues to be a healthy child in order to grow and develop.
The performer of the circumcision process is the obstetrician-gynecologist. The other person may be a pediatrician who is well trained in the conduct of new born male circumcision. The choice to conduct circumcision on a new born baby is not required by policy or any law of the land. After circumcision, the care of the newborn must be hygienic. Parents are encouraged to always ensure that the private areas are clean through the application of soap and water. In such a manner, the procedure would have been improved. Literature on Newborn Male circumcision Matar, L. Zhu, J. Through the modern perspectives that the authors have adopted, new born male circumcision should be a procedure that is well prepared for. Sorokan, S. T. Finlay, J. C. Morris, B. J. Klausner, J. D.
Krieger, J. For instance, the analysis of the benefits against the risks of the nursing practice is one way in which the patient’s interests are protected. Since the child is not in a position to give consent to the procedure, the parents are in the best position to provide the health information of the baby to ensure safety before and after the procedure. In summary, it is important to mention that the QSEN approach of looking at the delivery of services helps improve the provision of healthcare to the community. The paper has discussed patient centered care and how it relates to the nursing practice of new born male circumcision. In so discussing, the paper considered the fact that there are risks and benefits associated with newborn male circumcision. J.
Klausner, J. D. Krieger, J. N. P. Hutson, J. M. Circumcision: Is it worth it for 21st‐century A ustralian boys?. Journal of paediatrics and child health, 51(6), 580-583. Paediatrics & Child Health, 20(6), 311-315. Svoboda, J. S. Van Howe, R. S.
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